Army Spouse, Jennifer Bittner takes on EFMP.

Results for "EFM"
Space Force Spouse Takes on #EFMP
Meet Anna! Anna is an active-duty Space Force spouse of 19 years & mom of two teenagers, three young adults, two dogs, and two cats. Their family has four who are enrolled in the EFMP program.
Dual Military Servicemember and Air Force spouse take on #EFMP
There are some unique aspects of being an EFMP family serving in the Air Force. Exceptional Families of the Military (EFM) 501 c(3) Non-Profit highlights the differences in programming and terminology unique to the Air Force in this blog.
POV: Navy spouse takes on #EFMP
There are specific requirements for EFMP but in general those enrolled have medical conditions that require specialty care and/or special educational needs. TRICARE benefits apply to all branches of the service. There are some unique aspects of being an EFMP family serving in the Navy.
Marine Corps Spouse takes on EFMP
Exceptional Families of the Military (EFM) 501 c(3) Non-Profit highlights the differences in programming and terminology unique to the United States Marine Corps in this blog. There are some unique aspects of being an EFMP family serving in the USMC.
Navigating EFMP
The Exceptional Family Member Program, or EFMP, is military wide. However, there are some key differences in how branches implement the program which could impact your PCS. Namely, the Navy and Coast Guard have a category system; the other branches consider on a...
Empowering Military Kids: Top Strategies for a Successful School Year
Empowering Military Kids: Top Strategies for a Successful School Year. From MilitaryByOwner Advertising, Inc.
Trust your Gut, Advocating for Your Child
I had been a military spouse for just a couple of years, when at 27 years old my first child was born
Learn about ECHO (Extended Care Health Option)
Learn more about ECHO from Tricare/DHA.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904