Dear Moms, We live in an age of extreme judgement. We judge our clothes, houses, cars, and worst of all, we judge our kids. Our Kids! Kids grades, kids sports, kids college choices, kids everything. And, they know adults tend to be judgmental. They feel this judgement...

Results for "Laura holland"
Band of Bloggers
Did you know... Among our Band of Bloggers, three are cancer survivors, one is on the team that plans the Army Ten-Miler road race, and seven are teachers!Mary was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. She currently lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband,...
My New Culture
My New Culture……..There are two ways to exit the Army. Go home and find a job or find the job and make a home.
Unexpected Influence
Sometimes the unexpected takes us by surprise.
Can you catch a Leprechaun?
We all need a little fun in our lives, especially military families. Every month, there is something to celebrate. March…. St. Patrick’s Day, gold, green, and trying to catch a leprechaun.
Taking Stock of my Military Spouse Valentines
February brings to mind Valentine’s Day and all the people I love. I always acknowledge my love of my family, but this February I started thinking about all of my Military spouse (MILspouse) valentines I have made along the Army journey.
The Best Version of Ourselves
It’s the beginning of a new year. Rather than making a list of resolutions, let’s try to work towards being the best version of ourselves.
The Battle of the Study: The Savers VS The Tossers
There are two types of people in the world, the savers and the tossers. There’s one in each relationship. I’m a tosser married to a saver and our battleground is the study.
Less is More
As we enter the month of October and find ourselves with less daylight and cooler temps, one thing is certain…..It’s Fall and time to switch my spring/summer wardrobe for my fall/winter one.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904