In my nine years of being a military spouse, I’ve come to believe that the greatest gift I’ve ever received as a part of this community actually came in the form of a person.

Results for "kaci Curtis"
Get To Know Our Amazing Finalists!
Mission:Milspouse is honored to present the Finalists in our “What is The Greatest Gift of Being a Military Spouse” Blog contest. Our judges were overwhelmed with the number of entries and the amazing voices represented across ALL branches.
Band of Bloggers
Did you know... Among our Band of Bloggers, three are cancer survivors, one is on the team that plans the Army Ten-Miler road race, and seven are teachers!Mary was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. She currently lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband,...
Finding your word: Being mindful in the New Year
The New Year has arrived, and with it, a deluge of opinions regarding New Year’s resolutions. Some people love them and find them to be motivating.
Missing Autumn
Missing Autumn
Finding Themes
Finding Themes….I suppose I’ve earned the right to say that I’m “seasoned.”In the past decade, my family has lived in three different duty stations
Buried interests
Most of us harbor interests, passions, and dreams that rarely see the light of day. They lie dormant within us, beneath piles of obligations and expectations.
Small Kindnesses
In this stage of my life, small acts of kindness are my love language.
The “Sweet Spot” Summer
Halfway through our two-year OCONUS orders, my family is embracing our “sweet spot” summer.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
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P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904