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Results for "lindsey"
MMP #1037: Homeschooling for Military Families
The Academic Rescue Mission and Chula Vista Christian University exist to offer K to college educational opportunities to help rescue the most anxious, depressed generation in the history of our nation.
“Bye, Bye, Bye: For the Milspouse Left Behind
Bye, bye, bye. Cute when it’s an NSYNC song, heart-wrenching when it’s your Milspouse reality.
MMP# 1040: A Follow Up With Ken Fisher of The Fisher House Foundation
In today’s episode, Lindsey Rauch our Deputy Director of Marketing, will share with us an interview with Ken Fisher, Chairman and CEO of the Fisher House Foundation. In his interview today, Ken will share the latest on Fisher House’s work supporting military families, and how to support military families beyond the military holidays. The Fisher House is best known for its network of 97 comfort homes where families of wounded, injured or ill service members and veterans can stay at no cost while their loved one receives treatment far from home.
Join Deputy Director of Marketing, Lindsey Rauch, as she navigates the challenges of not only being a military spouse but a mom of two young children in a military family.
MMP# 1027: Spouse Speak Q&A
Welcome to the latest episode of Mission: Milspouse Podcast! This week, Juliana Hauska, your Executive Team Leader here at Mission: Milspouse will share the stage with other fellow command team military spouses! Meet our incredible military spouse Command Team members...
The Shocking Truth of being Thankful through the pain
There is always something to be thankful for. It doesn’t always come with big, happy, and cheerful events. It can come from the darkest of places as well.
MMP #1005 – “Before You Judge- A Social Psychologist’s Perspective”
On today’s NEW mini-cast, Lindsey Rauch, our Deputy Director of Marketing, brings us some exciting and enlightening information straight from her Social Psychology classroom as she helps us relate information from leading Social Psychologists in the light of MilSpouse life. She shares stories that will challenge you to think before you judge.
MMP #998: “Meet the Teacher”
On today’s show, we’re thrilled to bring you an interview conducted by our Executive Director, Sharita Knobloch, as she chats with today’s guest, our very own Director of Empowerment, Amanda Bicknese, also known as Mandy Maree, about her new novel, Meet The Teacher.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904