News 6 Correspondent, Emma Tighe, brings you all the News 6 updates as they happen. Today she brings you rescue operations and Senate struggles along with some music to close!

Results for "news 6"
News 6 For the week of October 16th.
Buckle up, it is time for News 6 for the week of October 16th.
News 6 for the Week of October 2nd 2023
News 6 is back and at your fingertips for all the stories and happenings during the week of October 2nd 2023.
News 6 for the week of September 18th, 2023
Howdy y’all and buckle up for this weeks news 6 update! Italy Spouses are Going to Work Good news for dependents stationed in the sunny nation of Italy. They can now be hired and work for US employers, a door that has been closed to them until now. A...
News 6 for Week of Sep 11th 2023
Howdy y’all and buckle up for this weeks News 6 update!
News 6: August 28
Howdy y’all and buckle up for this very special weeks News 6 update! Navy and Coast Guard Team Up to Save Divers It was a team effort near Cape Fear, North Carolina, to save four stranded divers. Ben Wiggins, 64, Luke Lodge, 26, Daniel Williams, 46 and Daniel’s...
News 6 for the Week of August 14th
Howdy y’all and buckle up for this weeks News 6 update!
News 6 For the Week of August 7th.
Howdy Y’all I’m back and telling you to Buckle up for this week’s News 6 update!
News 6: July 31
Join Emma as she brings us the News 6 for the week of 31 July.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904