In the last few years, summer has always been the time that my husband and I moved to a new place. This year, we moved in March, so we’re looking forward to enjoying our first summer here in New Mexico. Being in a new place this summer gives us the opportunity...

Retirement, Resilience, and Changes
The summer months can bring lots of changes for military families, whether it’s a PCS or a vacation to a different city. As I’m writing this, my husband and I are in Virginia for his retirement ceremony!
May is Military Spouse Appreciation Month!
This month feels a little bit different for me this year, since my husband will be retiring this fall. We are both in the process of figuring out what life after the military will look like for us.
WE Need Time to grow
When you’re trying to grow a garden, there are things that are within your control, and there are things that are outside of it
Luck and Locations of a Milspouse
It isn’t often that “luck” comes immediately to mind when I think back on my life so far as a military spouse.
The Retirement Count Down Is REAL!
In less than two weeks, my husband and I will be moving for the last time in his military career. I’ve been looking forward to this move (and his retirement) for quite some time, but as it gets closer, I’ve been feeling surprisingly emotional!
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904