Summer escapes and ideas at your fingertips! Join Seasoned Spouse Sheila Rupp as she shares her favorite tips, tricks and hacks for a great military summer.

The Dreaded “I Don’t Know How You Do It”
I recently saw a young spouse venting on a Facebook group about friends and family saying this dreaded phrase to her.
20 Years and Counting: Enjoying the Journey
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked over the years some derivation of “So when does he hit 20? I bet you’re ready for retirement,” I’d be a very rich woman.
Creating a Support Network: How Military Spouses Can Get Connected
Military life is a bit different, isn’t it? For some of us, it’s all that we know. I married my high school sweetheart after college, just weeks after he commissioned.
Dealing with the “Wait” While Waiting on Orders
Hurry up and wait. We have all felt and experienced the military’s unique system of getting us ready for new situations. It starts in a hurry and then a wait.
Why Wait for a PCS to Purge Your Space
We’ve moved about every 2 years for the entirety of my husband’s military career. And now, whether we are facing a PCS or not, I frequently get the itch. You know the one I’m talking about – the itch to redecorate and reorganize. The one that requires me to rip...
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