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MMP Show #950: Every Memory Deserves Respect

January 23, 2023

You or someone you care about has undoubtedly experienced some kind of significant trauma. Untreated trauma can lead to long lasting effects such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and difficulties maintaining intimate relationships. However, every memory from that trauma doesn’t have to continue to traumatize you.

The good news is that you can heal—and it doesn’t have to take a lifetime. That’s where EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) comes in. This is a unique type of psychotherapy proven to help people recover from trauma and improve the quality of their lives. Dr. Deborah Korn talks with us about trauma, EMDR therapy, and the process of recovery as discussed in her new book, Every Memory Deserves Respect.

Deborah Korn, PsyD, is an internationally renowned pioneer and expert in EMDR Therapy. She devoted the early years of her career as a clinical psychologist to working with traumatized veterans and their families.  As an active and respected member of the EMDR International Association, she presents and consults internationally on Complex PTSD recovery with a specialization in the treatment of  adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. 

Listeners, if you would like to learn more about Dr. Korn or her book Every Memory Deserves Respect, you can find our more by clicking here. You can also find her book at every major book retailer.

Moxie Minute with Amie

I recently read in a Brene Brown quote that “Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage. It takes a lot of courage to show up and be all in when we can’t control the outcome.” If that doesn’t sound like our lives as military spouses then I don’t know what does. * 

We often must face situations that are out of our control.  And while we are married to people who rush into gunfire, jump out of airplanes, and other terrifying things, those of us maintaining the home front might fear that worrying, or even talking about those struggles can be seen as weakness, but it isn’t. We all understand the unique demands of life and the importance of having a strong support system.

And who better understands this life than our fellow Milspouse? So let’s muster up our moxie by having the courage to share as well as listen, and support each other along the way. 

News 6 with Emma

Here is this week’s News 6 mashup of stories for the week of January 23, 2023, straight from M:M News 6 Correspondent, Emma Tighe:

Army Corps of Engineers is Feeling Feline in 2023

The Army Corps of Engineers located in Portland Oregon are getting hairy with their 2023 calendar! Each month’s shows a Godzilla size cat hanging out on pieces of the Corps infrastructure projects. Funny and catchy captions also adorn the dam’s bridges and buildings under the siege of these King Kong hairballs. 

Public Affairs specialist has said that this’ pet project’ of his had been a dream for three years and has finally come to life in a big way. You can find and nab your own calendar at and can learn more at

JROTC Cadet Honored for Heroism

A JROTC cadet from the Military Academy of Philadelphia was honored for heroic actions during a shooting in August. Cadet 2nd Lt. Kaheem Bailey-Taylor was leaving his cousins birthday party in Philadelphia when he heard shots ring out. Instead of running away from danger he turned back. He ran back into the house and found four people shot, three were relatives and another was a fellow cadet and classmate.

His quick actions saved his classmate’s life. He is back in school and on track to graduate this spring. Bailey-Taylor was awarded the medal of heroism, which is the highest honor a cadet can receive. Learn more at

New Air Force Helicopter Makes its Debut with a Save

The brand new HH-60W Jolly Green II saved two foreign soldiers off the Horn of Africa in December. The helicopter, which had only been deemed combat ready for two months, safely removed the two injured soldiers from harm’s way without incident and with great precision. 

The Jolly Green II is named after a combat helicopter used in Vietnam. We know its predecessor would be proud! Find out more at 

You can check out more of this week’s top stories here.

Resource Recon with Lindsey and Sarah

This week’s Resource Recon is all about Embrace Your Base! 

Embrace Your Base which is beautifully featured on our new Mission Milspouse website! One of the most challenging aspects of the military spouse life is preparing for an upcoming PCS, or if you get the chance, potentially picking a new duty station. There is a lot of information out there, and it can be almost overwhelming. We here at Mission: Milspouse want to take the some of the guesswork out of the need-to-knows about duty stations around the globe. Hence, our Embrace Your Base series.

Empowerment Patrol Report with Amanda

Today we are showcasing our Everyday Empowerment recipient, Giselle Curnutt. Nominated by our very own Jolene McNutt, who shares with us a little about Giselle and how she empowers others:

Jolene states, Gisselle is a delight. In her day-to-day job she empowers her Fort Bragg area students who attend Grand Canyon University. She supports them as they pursue their academic goals. She is also a community builder. She seems to know everyone and is always willing to help! She also volunteers with ACP which offers a mentoring program for service members and their spouses. Gisselle is a milspouse I admire.”

On behalf of Mission: Milspouse, thank you so much to Giselle Curnutt for doing your part to empower families around the world. 

Thank You

Thank you for tuning into this week’s episode. Please leave a five-star rating and review on Apple podcasts, then send us a screenshot of your review to or DM us on Facebook or Instagram @missionmilspouse to receive a special in-real-life gift as a thank you on behalf of MM. We appreciate your engagement and support.

With over 159 years of military spouse experience and 68 PCSes under their belts, the M:M Command team is the ultimate Battle Buddy to help navigate Milspouse life. Powered by volunteer spirit and optimism the M:M Command Team could run a small country, but instead are dedicated entirely to the global empowerment of military spouses to help them conquer adversity, foster confidence, and thrive in this military life.


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MMP #1053 Wishing Jerad Knight A Warm Welcome to Mission:Milspouse

MMP #1053 Wishing Jerad Knight A Warm Welcome to Mission:Milspouse

KateLynn and JT’s conversation will span over his military service, transition to a military spouse, his vision for the organization and much more. 

Jerad is very excited to be a part of Mission: Milspouse as he steps into the Executive Director role with a passion for Military Spouses, we are excited to see where he will help guide us.

MMP #1052 Operation Homefront: Serving America’s Military Families

MMP #1052 Operation Homefront: Serving America’s Military Families

By connecting the American donor community to our military families through a robust array of valued and life-changing programs that address the specific short-term and Critical Financial Assistance, long-term stability, and recurring support needs they experience, Operation Homefront is able to help military families overcome many of the challenges inherent in military life. The result: stronger, more stable, and more secure military families.

MMP #1051: VA Mortgage Benefits: How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off

MMP #1051: VA Mortgage Benefits: How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off

In the latest episode of The Mission:Milspouse Podcast, Kathleen Palmer speaks with Jennifer Beeston. Jennifer Beeston is a nationally recognized mortgage and real estate expert, celebrated for her commitment to financial literacy and consumer advocacy. In addition to...

Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

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