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As I sat and thought about my 2019 word back in December, I had to ask myself where I wanted to be in a year.

Where did I feel like I wasn’t giving my best effort? What about myself would I like to see improved, a trait I’d like to see strengthen? And almost like a wrecking ball, the word “intentional” started showing up everywhere. In my Facebook and Instagram feeds, in books I was reading, in conversations with dear friends. I felt like this was the word I needed to focus on in 2019.

I often hear people say, “I don’t have any regrets.” Really? Not one? I love people who have no regrets and take the bull by the horns, own up to everything, and keep trucking along. I’m just not that person. I have regrets.

I’ve said things in anger that I wish would have never left my lips.

I’e laid in bed at night replaying a situation that went completely sideways, and I regret a decision I made to add to the escalation as opposed to being a vessel of peace.

I’ve made choices based on bad information or assumptions that had the ripple of bad effects.

Don’t get me wrong, my entire life isn’t full of bad choices and remorse, but I certainly wish I could have a couple do-overs in my life.

I absolutely, firmly believe that if I live a life of intentionality, I will never have a day with regrets.

My 2019 word is intentional.

So, what does it mean, exactly?

Merriam-Webster defines intentional as: “done by intention or design.”

Hmm…well that isn’t particularly helpful.

I scroll a little further to synonyms—conscious, deliberate, knowing, purposeful.

Okay, now we’re on to something. Then the question becomes, how do I apply intentionality to my daily life? What does that look like?

The first thing I did was write a personal mission statement for myself for the year.

It didn’t take a lot of time or effort, but I wanted something that forced pen to paper to remind myself frequently, daily. Without stating the pun, I needed to be intentional about my intentionality. My mission statement focuses on where I can be intentional with my pursuit of being a Jesus-girl; loving my husband by affirming his leadership and meeting his needs; intentional in nurturing, loving, and cherishing my children; intentionally managing my home and cultivating an atmosphere of learning.

Am I there?

Heck, no. 

Not even kind-of on my best days. But I’m striving, and the point is to remind myself that these are the areas of intentionality where I’m trying to focus.

How do I apply this throughout my daily grind?

It’s easy to complain, so I choose to be grateful instead of grumble.

I can work on responding instead of reacting.

I can carefully consider my choices and understand (Thank you, Lysa Terkuerst for the incredible and insightful book, The Best Yes) that I don’t have just two choices when making a decision. I can choose yes, no, or the best yes.

Is the item in question getting the best of what I have to offer, or is it just another item on the never-ending to do list?

I’m intentional about my health and wellness and focusing on mind, body, and spirit. Am I getting caught up in replying to messages and checking social media and not intentional with the small amount of time I get to spend with my kids during the day?

Everything here is easy, and everything here is a choice to be more present and more aware. To say no to more than what fills the white space on my calendar and yes to the things that will bring greater good to my husband and children, because that’s the season I’m in right now.

Find your word.

Find your motivation.

Find the drive that keeps you intentional in your season.



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Turn on the Hose 

Turn on the Hose 

Turn on the Hose ….At our last duty station, we owned a farmhouse on 5 wooded acres. It was our own patch of paradise, and we raised many animals there. Early on, we had some of the land cleared, fenced, and sowed grass for a pasture.

Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

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