We weren’t at that particular installation long. Just long enough to move in, for my husband to then be given unexpected orders to deploy for twelve months, and a couple of months after his return, we were on our way out.

Results for "laVaughn Ricci"
All the Firsts
We’ve come full circle once again. We’re now in the “season of firsts” – also known as the latter part of the PCS season.
A PCS “Ode of Thanks”
On the long winding road of a PCS journey, We must find many places to at night lay our heads.
And What Said the Military Child?
Sometimes, the words that flow out of my military children’s mouths just have a way of hitting me. A gut punch, saddening me for how they truly feel; an “ah-ha” moment, enlightening me to see into their world; or a rolling laugh over their hilarious observations.
Murphy Came Calling
It was the first time any of my children had to have surgery, and of course this would happen when my husband was deployed, and somewhere Murphy was lurking.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904