In the last few years, summer has always been the time that my husband and I moved to a new place. This year, we moved in March, so we’re looking forward to enjoying our first summer here in New Mexico. Being in a new place this summer gives us the opportunity...

After the PCS: Embracing Your New Community Or Choose Your Own Adventure
Congratulations! You’ve made it on the other side of your PCS.
Oh, Hey! Hello, Again. Tips and Tricks for Repeating a Duty Station
It was a wonderful whirlwind, one we were all sad when it was time to roll out on the way to our next duty station four years after arriving.
My New Culture
My New Culture……..There are two ways to exit the Army. Go home and find a job or find the job and make a home.
The “Sweet Spot” Summer
Halfway through our two-year OCONUS orders, my family is embracing our “sweet spot” summer.
Worst Case Scenario Military Style!
As I move through my 28th year of being a military spouse, I have come to an odd realization.
EYB: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Located in central Missouri in the heart of the Ozark Mountains is Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. It is the hub of the U.S. Army Engineer school; the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive School; and the U.S. Army Military Police School. It is the home of training for future Military Support Center of Excellence Noncommissioned Officer Academy. The area is often growing and changing, so there may be many more things to find when arriving at Fort Leonard Wood. Enjoy the breathtaking views of mountain ranges and country.
Retirement, Resilience, and Changes
The summer months can bring lots of changes for military families, whether it’s a PCS or a vacation to a different city. As I’m writing this, my husband and I are in Virginia for his retirement ceremony!
Summer Escapes: Discovering the World Beyond Your Own Backyard
Summer escapes and ideas at your fingertips! Join Seasoned Spouse Sheila Rupp as she shares her favorite tips, tricks and hacks for a great military summer.
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