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Did you know… Our Empowerment Program began in 2020, and has since recognized 128 individuals and organizations for their work to empower the military community!


Do you know a milspouse, service member, family member, community member or nonprofit organization who goes above and beyond to empower the military lives of others? Nominate a stand-out empowerment champion for Mission: Milspouse’s “Everyday Empowerment” award! This could be a relative, spouse, nonprofit, or a battle buddy you’ve met along the way.

“Everyday Empowerment” winners will receive a digital certificate, a token of our appreciation IRL (that’s in real life), on-air recognition via our podcast, and be included in a social media reel each month with their fellow winners. Nonprofits that are selected will receive a $100 donation from Mission: Milspouse to support their continued work within the military community.

Want to learn more about our Empowerment Program? Click the button below.

Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN Number: 88-1604492


P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904


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