Did you know… We have 22 (and counting) volunteers in our Band of Bloggers.
Want to share your military life journey Can you share, not only celebrations but also frustrations, in an empowering way? Are you a subject matter expert in a particular area of military life information or support? Do you work with a military organization and want to share your resources?
We want you! Volunteer with Mission: Milspouse as an Experience or Expert Contributor. Spouses from all branches and components are welcome!
Band of Blogger Criteria:
- Military affiliation (spouse, veteran, SME)
- Contribute once-per-month
- Post in a positive nature
Refrain from overly political or religious discussions - Share helpful resources and information
- Produce original content
Click the button below to apply. Writing samples will be requested.
Please Note: Not all submitted applications that meet these guidelines will be selected. Submissions are prioritized by appropriateness (as deemed by the Mission: Milspouse editorial team) and are granted as content calendar space permits.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904