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We can empathize with how you feel right now! We’ve been there. Military life is a very complex beast that can, on the one hand, be the most challenging thing you’ve ever undertaken. On the other hand, it can be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done. It’s OK to be confused. It’s OK to feel overwhelmed. You don’t have to know everything in one day (and chances are as soon as you learn it they’ll change it).

We want to help you. If there is anything we can answer for you, let us know. If you need a resource, we’ll find it for you. Simply contact us.

Where to start

The best place a milspouse to start is Military One Source. In addition, these resources may be helpful to learn more about the community and set your support elements in place:

When arriving at your new home

Most installations have an orientation program. These are completely voluntary and free. If you choose to attend, you will learn more about installation agencies, military acronyms, and other useful pieces of information about the military lifestyle. Check our installation page to find the link to your installation’s homepage or Facebook group, then call the branch-specific Community Services building at your location and ask about their newcomer’s orientation.

If you are Army, not pass up the opportunity to take Army Family Team Building classes online or at your local installation. The information in these classes can make your life a lot easier!

We wish you all the best on your military life journey. But when you find you have more questions and require more answers, know that you will always be able to find the resources to engage, educate, encourage, and empower you right here at Mission: Milspouse.

Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN Number: 88-1604492


P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904


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