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Posts By: American Red Cross
‘Tis the Season to Celebrate Safely

‘Tis the Season to Celebrate Safely

December is the season for all things light and bright. Snuggling by the fireplace, hanging lights outside, scented candles that smell like sugar cookies and cooking delectable meals for your family and friends. But whether you’re decorating, cooking or just getting...

Hurricane Ian: Army Vet Committed to Helping His Community

Since Hurricane Ian slammed into Florida, we’ve all watched the news reports with a sinking feeling. With so much destruction, so many of our hearts are broken for our friends, family and communities across the state. One thing is clear — there’s a lot of pain but there are also a lot of great people doing their part.

Back to School Safety Tips for Military Families

It’s that time of year again – where parents everywhere balance feelings of excitement over kids going back to school with a little sadness that the making of fun, summertime memories have come to a close! Sending our kids back to school brings a lot of considerations.

Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN Number: 88-1604492


P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904


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