What Is Motivation? The process that starts, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors is what we define as motivation. Motivation causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

Running has always been there for me.
“Running has always been there for me.” – Jenn Pelligrini. When you sat on your first bicycle, were you a natural? Did you start to pedal and balance yourself with no help? I think not, but there was a steady hand to hold the bike and after several tries, you were rolling on your own.
DC Divas Were Not On The Runway, But The Field Of Play
DC Divas Were Not On The Runway But The Field Of Play
Rolling To The Spotlight …. Dr. Rory Cooper
This month we have a rare opportunity to interview Dr. Rory Cooper, the Director of the Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL), Pittsburgh, PA).
Keira D’Amato celebrates the gift of running.
“Running is a gift; I feel truly lucky to have the time/energy/health/support to do it because it brings me a lot of joy.”- Kiera D’Amato
Feet On the Ground and Balls Up in The Air- Barry The Juggler
Meet Barry! He runs, he juggles- he runs as he juggles. A unique perspective on goals, running, and finding your ‘Why”. George brings us, Barry the Juggler!
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