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Posts By: LaVaughn Ricci
Finding Fall When You’re Missing It All

Finding Fall When You’re Missing It All

If you grew up in a region that offered the four seasons, or have lived at installations where you can at least experience some color in the fall, it can then be a huge disappointment to move to an area that doesn’t have much to boast during autumn.

Moving Again: We All Serve and Sacrifice

Moving Again: We All Serve and Sacrifice

My preschooler told his Sunday School teacher this week that we’re moving. When I signed him out of class, Miss D asked me about it. I think she was starting to feel sad we were possibly leaving soon. 

Beating the Back to School Blues

Beating the Back to School Blues

I know it’s just not just school-aged children saying it. Most likely, it’s many teachers too. Maybe even a few parents. “I don’t want to go back to school!”

Summer on the Farm

Summer on the Farm

In the transient, ever-changing, unstable life of a military family, it is refreshing to return to some kind of summer place that is constant. A home, though not our own, that feels natural, secure, and comforting.   For my family, that place to which everyone...

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