To Our Dearest Army Wife Network Tribe:
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been what you might call an “anticipator.” Looking forward to the next experience, event, or adventure was my jam.
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To Our Dearest Army Wife Network Tribe:
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been what you might call an “anticipator.” Looking forward to the next experience, event, or adventure was my jam.
There’s an anniversary my husband and I have been talking about for some time now, and I think the same goes for military families, civilians, and global media. It’s the 20-year mark since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
There’s so much uncertainty on how to approach this day, particularly with the recent events in Afghanistan. One thing I’ve been reflecting on recently is that it feels like a lifetime ago.
And for some, it was.
There’s an anniversary my husband and I have been talking about for some time now, and I think the same goes for military families, civilians, and global media. It’s the 20-year mark since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. There’s so much uncertainty on how to approach...
There’s just something about a legacy.
A few days ago, I was on the hunt for some new recipes to fold into my food arsenal. I knew I could tackle this task from various angles: Google (of course), Pinterest (a hole I might never come out of), some of my recipe books, or—an epiphany—my recipe box.
I hadn’t flipped through my brown roll-top recipe box in a hot minute, so I was pretty excited to see what gems were waiting to be rediscovered.
I firmly believe that military spouses are some of the most empowered, flexible, resourceful folks on the planet. Don’t believe me? I think 2020 proved it! We rolled with the punches, changing, dipping, ducking, and adapting, even if we might have put on a few pounds or developed a hypothetical eye twitch.
Seriously—we were planning around no-plan plans before it was cool. (Just kidding—the changing plans last year were not cool. Like, at all.)
The holidays can be an exciting time—the lights, the joy, the hope that permeates the atmosphere. The overall holiday experience can get even more revved up with the much-anticipated sports match-ups.
As special holiday treat, we bring you coverage of the Tough Enough Showdown of the Year: The Military Spouse vs. Mrs. Claus! The gloves are coming off to determine who does it better between these two empowered individuals.
Looks like the match up of the year is about to start. Let’s tune in!
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