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Our Podcast

Fast Facts: Our podcast is carrying on the legacy of Army Wife Talk Radio as the longest-running podcast of its kind. 2023 marks its 13th year on the air, and we will broadcast our 1000th episode as well!

The Command Team creates TWO podcasts per week, one full-length edition on Mondays with a featured guest, then a shorter variety (Mini-Cast) on Thursdays sharing their personal experiences. Tune in on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon, or even on our website.

MMP #1052 Operation Homefront: Serving America’s Military Families

MMP #1052 Operation Homefront: Serving America’s Military Families

By connecting the American donor community to our military families through a robust array of valued and life-changing programs that address the specific short-term and Critical Financial Assistance, long-term stability, and recurring support needs they experience, Operation Homefront is able to help military families overcome many of the challenges inherent in military life. The result: stronger, more stable, and more secure military families.

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Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN Number: 88-1604492


P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904


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