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10 Ways To Face the World When You Don’t Want To

Even the most positive people among us experience feeling down and discouraged at times due to personal circumstances or events in the world that affect us collectively. Judging from the news reports, the world has seemingly descended into chaos on more days than not.

Even if we try to avoid the news reports and images, our social media newsfeeds are often filled with opinions and rants about anything and everything imaginable.

It can all get to be pretty overwhelming, especially for those who tend to be sensitive to negativity. Here are ten ways to get through those days when you just want to pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep, but can’t:

1. Visualize a bubble of protection surrounding you.

I know this sounds a little woo-woo, but give it a try if you like. Imagine your protective bubble enveloping your entire body completely before you leave the house. It can be any color you choose except white. Blue and violet are soothing colors, so these are good to start out with. You can also say a prayer for guidance and protection if that suits you. Remind yourself of your protective bubble (and prayer, if you added one) throughout the day and allow yourself to feel soothed as you visualize it working.

2. Imagine a person of calm.

If the thought of a protective bubble just doesn’t do it for you, try bringing to mind someone whose presence calms and reassures you. It could be a loved one, friend, religious figure, celebrity you admire, etc. Imagine this person smiling and speaking words of encouragement to you as you prepare to begin your day. What would they say to you? Imagine them letting you know that they are with you as you go through your day, never more than a thought away if you need them.

3. Eat a nourishing breakfast.

You’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges of the day if you start off with a healthy breakfast that helps sustain your energy level throughout the morning.

4. Ground yourself.

Grounding yourself periodically can help when you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Be aware of your surroundings. What do you see? What do you hear? Find something pleasant to focus on, being mindful of anything new that you may not have noticed before.

5. Notice your breathing.

Is it shallow or deep? Fast or slow? Be aware of your breath, and try to regulate your breathing by steadily inhaling through your nostrils for a count of seven, then exhaling through your mouth for a count of seven. Repeat the cycle for a few minutes until you feel calm and reenergized. Notice any feelings of tension you may be holding in your body and imagine the tension draining away.

6. Relish the good stuff.

Collect encouraging sayings, songs, and stories that help connect with the good that exists all around us, even when the headlines shout otherwise.

7. Take a break from social media.

Take a break from social media or rethink how you engage while using it. Let’s face it, some days the time spent on social media is little more than an exercise in futility. Instead of scrolling along and being pulled into the drama of the day, think about what you could do to encourage someone or bring humor to a situation in your own unique way.

8. Keep things in perspective.

Ask yourself if what you’re experiencing today is likely to matter a year from now or talk things over with a trusted friend for another perspective.

9. Understand your feelings.

Get to know your emotional reactions and acknowledge your feelings. Part of accepting ourselves is being able to see beyond labeling our emotions as positive or negative. We may not necessarily enjoy all of our emotional reactions but it is important to accept that everyone experiences a range of emotions.

10. Add something special to each day.

Plan for something enjoyable to look forward to at the end of the day. If you need a quick pick-me-up during the day, remind yourself of the special plan you have in store for later. It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate and can even be something very simple. What matters is that it is something enjoyable that you can look forward to.



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