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12 Days of Holiday Cookies

The bells have started jingling.

Cut Christmas trees are leaning against the stores.

Kiddos are bouncing with excitement over their lists for Santa.

Many of the parents I know are either clinging to disbelief that Christmas is mere weeks away or sprinting to get the to-do list complete.

Here at Army Wife Network, we love the holidays: music, food, friends, food, exchanging gifts, food, and, of course, the cookies! To boost your holiday spirit, we’ve compiled a list of our 12 favorite holiday cookie recipes. Click on the recipes below for a very handy printable 4×6 holiday recipe card.

We’d love to hear about your favorite holiday cookie.

1. Snowballs

Let’s get the snowball rollin’ with Emily’s favorite, a delicious treat that is worth the powdered sugar all over your kitchen.


2. Peppermint Meringues

While not a cookie, Kowanda gave us this gorgeous treat her sister-in-law makes every year.


3. Oatmeal Raisin

Paula said these cookies always vanish.


4. Honey

Go for another yummy favorite that’s also colorful.


5. Peanut Butter Blossoms

Star likes these so much, she had to make them the day we came up with this list.


6. Chocolate Marshmallow Pillows

Janet shares a recipe with fudge, marshmallows, and nuts all in one cookie.


7. Snickerdoodles

Um, who doesn’t love Snickerdoodles?


8. Nikki’s Toffee Bars

For easy entertaining these toffee bars offer a simple to make and delicious alternative to the traditional cookie.ToffeeBarCard-copy-300x200

9. White Chocolate Cranberry

Maggie’s cookie isn’t just a light sweet treat—it’s awfully pretty, too.


10. Peppermint Kisses

Rebecca’s twist on an old favorite is versatile and can be made with any kind of Hershey kiss if peppermint isn’t your flavor.PeppermintKissCard-300x200

11. Oatmeal Cranberry

If you wish your granola could be a cookie, these may be a good fit.


12. Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip

You can’t go wrong with our ultimate kids’ favorite cookie.



Happy cookie baking!

Share with us some of your favorite cookie recipes! We love cookies.



  1. June Kuehler

    Thank You So Much for Sharing these recipes! My girls and I like to do baking this time of year!

  2. Starlett Henderson

    For the 12 days of Christmas my true team gave to me… recipes for cookies any one of you’d love to eat!

  3. Hyperbaric Medical Solutions

    So many of these look good! Gotta try Nikki’s favorite Toffee bars and the Oreo Stuffed Choc Chip Cookies for sure.~Tracey.

  4. Christine Nola Gibson

    I love the snowballs (or also called Russian Teacakes or Mexican Wedding cakes). You can also add cocoa to the dough and make it a double chocolate cookie. Yummy.



  1. AWN Newsletter (December 2012) | - [...] favorite time of the year. It’s getting chilly and Christmas decorations are going up. Our “Favorite Things” holiday cookie…
  2. Holiday Recipes To Gather Around - - The #1 Trusted Housing Resource - […] few year ago, Army Wife Network pulled together their favorite cookie recipes for 12 Days of Holiday Cookies –…

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