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5 Must-Do’s for Back-to-School

Can you believe back to school time is already here? I mean, seriously? There are tears (some of joy), excitement, and anticipation for this time of year.

Here are a few tips to help start the year off right:

1. Save your school’s webpage.

This is a fantastic tool to get your children started on the right track and you, too, as a parent. I always look at the calendar for the school year, write important dates on my paper calendar (yes, I still love using my pencil and paper record keeping), and add to my electronic devices. It’s also important to gather other resources, such as websites of the local library.

2. Learn how to use the “parent portal.”

Or your school’s equialent. In my child’s school district, it is used as he parents’ “grade book” of their child’s assignments, turned in or not, their grades, absences/tardies, and any disciplinary issues. Make sure  that if your school offers this, you obtain your log-in information so you can keep track of what is going on. It’s always easier for parents to keep an eye on things before it’s too late in the grading period to address any issues.

If issues arise, a fantastic resource available for free to military families is As a bonus, they were recently featured on Army Wife Talk Radio, so listen to the great things they have to offer.

3. Make a lunch plan.

I found it’s easiest that if your child is buying lunch, go ahead and pre-pay for the entire month. That way, there is no forgetting to give them lunch money. If you can’t do the whole month at a time, split it up to twice a month. Again, with things so automated nowadays, I am sure there is a website for you to keep track of this task as well. We actually have an app that I can check. How cool is that?

4. Plan your outfits, too.

I have to admit, even as an adult, I look at the weather for the next day and, before I go to bed at night, I lay my clothes out so I am prepared and not wasting time looking in the closet. Get your kids in the habit of doing this, too, and it will make your mornings much smoother.

5. Schedule quiet time before bedtime.

No electronic devices, TV, or computers. Spend that hour quietly reading a book, making sure your child’s backpack is prepared (papers/forms signed, etc.), or preparing your child’s lunch or snack for the next day.


While it seems like a lot of work, if you can get into the habit of trying at least a few of these ideas, it may just take some of the stress and strain of the new year off your shoulders. I hope everyone has a fantastic school year!

So, what are some of your “must-do’s for back-to-school” you’d like to share?



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