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A Year of Thanks: November

I can’t believe how fast this year has blown by. This is my favorite time of year, because everyone seems more giving, forgiving, and willing to give thanks. There’s something in the air. Recapping the year, you can check out January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, and October.

Here’s my November:

1. Footie pajamas: Because they just make sense for kids and grown ups.

2. Roofs: How much would it stink to be rained on in your house? Think about it.

3. Online shopping: I cannot even begin to imagine Black Friday shopping. I’ve never done it, and I have no intention of venturing out and experiencing it firsthand. Cyber Monday, baby!

4. Windows: My house would be really dark without them. Electricity costs money.

5. Legos: Keep my son busy for a whole five minutes, and he gets to use his imagination. Win/win.

6. Coffee tables: Really, they should be called feet tables.

7. The Discovery Channel: I’ve learned more about Alaska and gold mining than I ever thought I would.

8. Walmart Savings Catcher: Do you have this app? Because if you don’t and you shop at Walmart, you should! I started using it in September, and I already have about $30 coming back to me in the form of a gift card at the end of the year.

9. Prescription medicine: I don’t even want to know what my life would be like without them.

10. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade: Being from New York, we used to go to the parade, and I never appreciated the tradition until I had my own kid. It signifies the start of Christmas!

11. Turkeys: The ones who give their life for me and my family on Thanksgiving? God bless them.

12. My new car: I finally got a replacement for my vehicle that was totaled in transit from Korea (Oh, that’s a whole other story). I love my Buick! Yes, I wanted a Buick. Yes, I’m 30 years old.


12. Road trips: Taking a road trip with someone who cracks you up really should be on your to-do list.

13. Finding a good hair stylist: It’s up there with finding a good doctor, to be honest.

14. Instant mashed potatoes: What a beautiful combination of words…

15. Vine: This app is filled with six-second videos that are sure to crack you up. And laughing? Is my favorite thing.

16. Chairs: Because I hate sitting on the floor.

17. Fireplaces: It’s one of those practical things that looks incredibly fancy. Our current home is the first one to have a fireplace, and it heats up our living room beautifully.

18. Adobe products: Just so much awesome.

19. Ceiling fans: Does this even need an explanation?

20. EZ Beds: Have you heard of this awesomeness? Let’s talk about it. I spent the night at Tara’s house, and I slept on one of these beds. I didn’t know until the next morning that I was sleeping on an air mattress. It was so comfortable, and I loved that it was off the floor. A must buy!

21. Scarves: Because a scarf can really tie a look together. Oh, and you could also use a scarf to keep warm.

22. OnStar: My new car has OnStar (I’m not used to having a fancy pants feature like OnStar in a car), and I really think it’s a great thing to have. Never mind the fact that you can ask for directions or the closest Steak ‘n Shake to your current position. If you’re in an accident, they have you covered. I’m a really cautious (read: nervous) driver, and knowing I have that gives me incredible peace of mind.

23. Thanksgiving: When you get to spend Thanksgiving with friends and family, eat delicious food, and a ton of pie, there’s really not much to complain about.

24. XM Radio: Have you ever gone on a road trip and had to constantly find a new radio station because you drove out of range? I hate that, and XM was the answer to my road-tripping prayers. Yeah, I could play a CD, but I am a radio girl. I just like the radio, okay?!

25. Hawaiian shirts: They’re so bad, they’re almost good.

26: Holiday decorations: They are the best decorations! How can you not smile looking at holiday decorations?

27. Eggnog. You know, I never tried eggnog until a year or two ago, and it changed. My. Life. For. Ever.

28. Mophie external phone batteries: I feel like my phone’s battery drains really quickly. Probably because I live on my phone. The external battery pack really comes in handy when you don’t have access to your phone charger.

29. Friends who help you write about what you are thankful for, because you waited until the last minute to write this blog. Thanks, Janet.




  1. A year of thanks - December | Army Wife Network - […] Here’s the round up for the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November.…

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