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A Year of Thanks: October

Yep. Still giving thanks every month. I can’t believe it either. I’ve had this going since January (February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September, too), and I have two months left. It’s been a heck of a year, to say the least.

Here’s my October:

1. Fall: Granted it doesn’t actually feel like it in Alabama, but I look forward to when it’s fall-like. It’s my favorite season!

2. Mastering something brand new to me: I have a tendency to take on things that totally and completely fly over my head, crossing my fingers that I’ll figure it out. And I do. Every single time. The sense of accomplishment is unparalleled.

3. Fonts: Because there is a font to express everything.

4. Lawn mowers: Freshly mowed lawns are beautiful.

5. Maintenance and repair people: I admire people who can fix things. Really. My propensity for breaking things knows no bounds.

6. DVRs: I don’t always get to watch the shows I love when they are on the air, and the DVR totally saves the day. I remember taping shows. DVR is so much better than taping.

7. Tattoos: I love tattoos. (Never mind the fact that when my kids get old, I will discourage it.) For me, tattoos are bookmarks that remind me of wonderful times in my life. I can’t wait for my next one!

8. Being apologized to when warranted: Admitting to wrongdoing was always hard for me. And then I met my husband, and he taught me how to say sorry. When my son does something like misbehaves and apologizes without being told to, it makes my heart smile.

9. Clorox wipes: I had the stomach flu because the universe hates me. With it being incredibly contagious, I cleaned my house as though my life depended on it. As I was spraying the doorknobs and wiping them down, I thought, someone should really make wipes with the disinfectant in them. And then I hit myself in the head repeatedly when I realized that’s already a thing.

10. Feeling my baby kick: Okay, really, it’s a love/hate relationship. I love feeling it, because I know he’s there and just hanging out with me until he’s done cooking. What I hate, though, is the kicking at night. I mean, really, I can’t sleep while you’re kicking my bladder, buddy! Sheesh.

11. Tylenol PM: Because I need some sleep.

12. Scentsy: It’s brilliant.

13. Chuck E. Cheese: Well, no, I could very easily live without ever going to one ever again, but seeing my son so happy and having fun makes me hate it slightly less.

14. Free samples: Because free!

15. Retail Me Not: Because discounts!

16. Handmade gifts: There are so many talented people who make all kinds of beautiful things. I love handmade gifts (and pretty much every other kind of gift).

17. Pumpkin picking: Nothing says fall to me like picking your own pumpkins or your own apples. Never mind that it’s still hot as all get out here in Alabama. I’m glad I can finally take my son pumpkin picking after three years in Korea.

18. Mason jars: My husband and I decided to forgo getting actual cups and use mason jars—how southern of us—and I just love them. I love mason jars, and I am not exactly sure why.

19. Kleenex: Because my shirt doesn’t have any sleeves.

20. Peppers: Because they’re delicious.

21. True Tori: I just love that show.

22. My OBGYN: I found out I was pregnant in Korea, and I have to say, I am so incredibly thankful to be having my son here in Alabama. Dr. P was my doctor before we moved to Korea, and she was one of the perks for moving back. She is an amazingly quirky Army spouse, and she makes those awkward visits that involve stirrups less awkward.

23. Arby’s: Because they make delicious mozzarella sticks!

24. Dog groomers:  My dog hates being washed, having his teeth brushed, and anything else that doesn’t involve feeding, playing with, or petting him. So, the fact that I can pay someone to take care of all that for me is priceless.

25. My son’s school parade: I can’t tell you how emotional I was watching him do his thing with his class, marching in the parade. I am normally not emotional, and I totally blame being pregnant, but the sense of pride I had watching my son was pouring out of me.

26. BAH: I certainly appreciate it.

27. These surprises from my sweet friends, Paula and Janet:  image

28. A cool breeze: It’s finally cooling off in Alabama.

29. Red: It’s my favorite color.

30. Having a king-sized bed: For obvious reasons.

31. Trick-or-treating with my son: As it turns out, he loves giving out candy slightly more than trick-or-treating, but we had a lot of fun on Halloween. He was a policeman, and I was a criminal (because it would be the end of the world if I didn’t dress up, too).



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What  Is Motivation? The process that starts, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors is what we define as motivation. Motivation causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

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