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How to Prepare for a Military Homecoming

As the countdown slowly ticks away to homecoming, there’s a standard preparation you can expect.

For some reason, the perfect outfit seems to be at the top of the list. Over the years, and after attending more than 50 homecomings, I’ve seen some pretty epic outfits. The one that takes the cake is the spouse who dressed in an inflatable T-rex costume, one I didn’t see personally, but Google can help you witness it. Besides the outfit, there are the signs, the kids’ outfits (if applicable), getting the house cleaned up, and so much more.

There’s a much, much bigger piece to this event that sometimes is not only forgotten, but can cause major conflicts.

For us, this is deployment number four—two in Iraq, three in Afghanistan; one was spent split between the two. Although we’ve done this a few times, each time is different. For two of those, we didn’t have kids (we were dual military) and two of those we did have kids.

During each one, both of us changed, even though we didn’t realize it.

After having gone through the warm and fuzzy homecomings that everyone sees on TV, we dig in and brace for the reintegration.

A military homecoming is an exciting time, but there are some things you should know when welcoming home your service member.

In an effort to make your homecoming a little smoother, here’s what I’ve learned, not only from personal experience within my own home, but in experience as a rear detachment First Sergeant, an FRG leader, and an Army Family Team Building trainer.

Before homecoming:

  • Talk to your service member. Focus on any changes that have taken place, such as activities you may be involved in that you weren’t doing before they left. It could also be hobbies, sports, getting a job, or going to school.
  • Schedule activities you’d like them to be involved in. This gives them a chance to be ready for that expectation. Your child may have started playing soccer, and it’s important to them that their parent is a part of that when they get back.
  • Don’t set your expectations too high. This carries through every step of the homecoming. Don’t expect to get everything you had planned to get accomplished done. Give yourself a break or you will be stressed out.
  • Let them know your routine. This may seem insignificant, but the more that can be absorbed ahead of time, the easier their arrival back will be.
  • Look at other possible sources of conflict and alleviate the stress in advance. I need to clean out (or complete) my current “projects” that are filling a decent amount of the garage. My husband also doesn’t normally let our kids eat in his truck, but I have been, given the need to drive it. So, having it detailed before he gets home is on the to-do list.
  • Talk with your kids. If you have kids, discuss the need for flexibility as your service member transitions and look into resources geared directly toward that topic.
  • Get the right information. Learn who will be contacting you with the information for homecoming information; the best source would be to get in touch with your family group leader.

At homecoming:

  • Be flexible. Be prepared for homecoming to not take place at the original time you were given, or the second time, or even the third, fourth, or fifth (it happens). This is also something to consider when selecting outfits and other preparations.
  • Make wise outfit choices. While three-inch heels might complete your outfit and help you reach your service member better, they won’t do you any good if you face plant as you’re coming out of the bleachers. Additionally, if the ceremony is held inside, the floors are generally slick, and outside, it’s going to be on a field where you may be more effective at aerating the lawn than getting to your other half.
  • Bring something to drink and snack on. Especially if the time changes. You may be sitting at the homecoming site for hours. There have also been situations where bad weather came in, so the families had to take shelter at the homecoming location for a couple of hours.
  • Bring entertainment for your kids. We all know how quickly boredom sets in.

After homecoming:

  • Be prepared for changes. Whether in the way they handle themselves, attitude, or maybe a little bit different language. Some don’t show the signs of these changes until a little while after they get back.
  • Be patient. For the last “X” months, they’ve carried a weapon with them on a daily basis. When it comes time to leave to go somewhere, they’re going to feel like they’re missing something, and most times, not be able to place what it is. We’ve been late a few times because of this.
  • Expect a change in habits. There’s a good possibility you both picked up habits during the deployment, some good, some bad. Before something drives you to the point of going crazy, mention it. They may not realize they’re doing it. And be open if they mention something you’re doing.
  • Expect changes in the house. Right now, our furniture is set up a different way than it was when my husband left. The setup just seemed to open up the room better. I need to be realistic and understanding if I come home one day and he’s moved the furniture back because that’s how it was when he left. It’s a matter of finding a compromise.
  • Ease out of personal space. While we’re happy to have them home, for the last “X” months we’ve had our own schedule, our own routine, and our own personal space. Now there’s someone in it. Don’t get me wrong, I always look forward to my husband coming home, but I also know that it’s going to take me a little while to get used to not having the “me” time after the boys go to bed to read, sew, or watch Mysteries at the Museum (which he isn’t fond of).
  • Explain routines and schedules. It’s important with such a big change to keep other smaller details intact. This is very important when there are kids involved. If you have a set nightly routine of dinner, bath, story, then bed, you need to let your spouse know that. To keep routines like that in line will both help the service member start feeling more integrated and help the kids with that normalcy.
  • Don’t write off major problems as “normal.” This is very important. Violence, excessive drinking, and substance abuse is not normal behavior. No exceptions. These are significant issues and not something to write off as an adjustment because they were deployed. Please help them get help! Trust me on this. I’ve seen careers go down the drain and people get hurt because they’ve tried to take care of themselves but ended up much worse off.

Homecoming can is a joyous time, but don’t forget everything that comes after. There will be ups and downs, but eventually, with some work, you will develop a new normal with your service member. Give it time, and be patient.



  1. Rajendra

    Hi a am intarested to homecoming pz contact my mail.

  2. Jill

    Awesome, awesome post! Such great and incredibly insightful info


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