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Thankful for the Military

This is the perfect time of year to let everyone know the things I’m thankful for. Being a military family, it seems like there’s more to worry about than gratitude,  and some days I have to dig deep to find something. Today, I’m making a list of all the things that the military has given us to be thankful for.

I’ve come up with 12 here, but I’m sure there are more!

1. I’m thankful for our ability to travel.

The Army picks out a spot where my husband is most needed and sends us on our way. I’m thankful for the trip there as a family, the new places that we get to explore and become familiar with, and the many trips we take to see our families during vacation time. Without the military, I wouldn’t have seen half of the things I’ve seen!

2. I’m thankful for a steady paycheck.

I know I can count on it two times a month. While, in recent months, it hasn’t always been a consistent amount, I’m comforted in knowing that there will still be money coming in to feed my family and keep us sheltered.

3. I’m thankful for health care we can afford.

When one of my children are sick, I don’t hesitate to take them to see a doctor, because I know the good ol’ DoD has offered us a secure, affordable health care plan in thanks for the job my service member does.

4. I’m thankful for new friends.

Both the adults and the children. We’ve met some wonderful people on our journey; people I know we wouldn’t have met otherwise. These people have helped shape who we’ve become as a military family.

5. I’m thankful for my children’s exposure to diversity.

The world can be a close-minded place, especially for people who have never traveled and met new people. I’m glad that my children have had the chance to meet people from all corners of the globe. It shows them everyone is different, but we’ve all got something to teach each other.

6. I’m thankful the military helped me find my strength and independence. 

Even if it made me dig deep to find it. I’ve done things I would never have thought a woman should do and I’ve done a lot of them all by myself. I don’t freak out now when something needs to be done, because I know I’m strong enough to handle whatever comes my way. If I’d never experienced being away from husband, I probably wouldn’t have found that strength.

7. I’m thankful the military has taught me new ways to communicate.

When your service member is deployed, you don’t get a lot of phone calls, so while talking is one way to communicate, I’ve also learned that love letters and special boxes filled with love go a long way, too.

8. I’m thankful for patience.

The military has taught me that nothing ever happens when I want it to but it will happen eventually. The military is also why I don’t make plans more than a week in advance.

9. I’m thankful for my learned sense of adventure. 

You have to be willing to travel anywhere and not always at the most convenient time. PCS in the dead of winter? Sure! I wanted to see how well my new snow boots work anyway.

10. I’m thankful for recruiting duty.

It has allowed my husband to stay stateside and be with the children as they have grown.

11. I’m thankful for commissaries and Exchanges.

Case Lot sales—enough said!

12. I’m thankful that there is a military.

And we are free to choose to serve it. I’m thankful for the men and women who have signed up and chosen this difficult career. I’m thankful for their families that love and support them through their service. Thank you to each and every one of you for your sacrifices.



So, are you thankful for the military? What one thing are you most thankful for this year?




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Turn on the Hose 

Turn on the Hose 

Turn on the Hose ….At our last duty station, we owned a farmhouse on 5 wooded acres. It was our own patch of paradise, and we raised many animals there. Early on, we had some of the land cleared, fenced, and sowed grass for a pasture.

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