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Posts By: Angie Andrews
Eat His Cereal While He’s Gone

Eat His Cereal While He’s Gone

You ever do that? Anticipate an event so much that by the time whatever you’re looking forward to happens, you kind of just miss the actual moment. It comes and goes without even a whisper of the mental attention you gave it beforehand.

More Than the Boxes

Moving. PCSing. Relocating. Whatever you want to call it, the event (no matter how routine for some of us) is really not a singular activity. The whole process comes with much more than a pile of boxes containing everything you own.

Ghosts of Duty Stations Past

Ghosts of Duty Stations Past

We’re currently stationed on Okinawa, a place pretty well known for ghost stories. I never paid it much mind, except for when our cats are staring at things that aren’t there and chasing invisible apparitions into the “ghost closet,” as we lovingly call it. But, spooky October is here and has brought with it some ghosts of duty stations past.

From First Meeting to Besties

From First Meeting to Besties

Tomorrow I’m meeting Jordan.

We’re meeting up at my favorite Italian restaurant because it was left up to me to pick the location. We’re meeting up because Jordan asked a question on Facebook. And, well, I honestly don’t know why it continued any further than my answering of that question.

Mini-Stories and Comedy

Mini-Stories and Comedy

I have this running joke between my husband, my best friend, and myself. I like to think of it as “the importance filter.” It all came about when my husband told me he was in charge at work. Not like he’s running the whole Army or anything, but he was in charge of something that implied some pretty solid responsibilities. As he just casually shared this information mid-conversation, I stopped him and said, “I didn’t know you were in charge. That’s huge!”

“Yes, Wife, I’m kind of important.”

To which I replied, “Well, you could have told me! I tell you stuff all the time, little stuff, big stuff, important or not.”

And there began my realization that I often don’t have an “importance filter.” I love creating mini-stories—about things that shouldn’t even be stories. Little anecdotes that leave you thinking—“What’s your point?” These stories are often not important at all, but they are quite humorous.

Teacher Appreciation & Summer Reading

Teacher Appreciation & Summer Reading

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Facebook, I noticed a lot of my former coworkers had shared a post regarding Teacher Appreciation Week. The post asked for updates from parents or former students, stating something along the lines of, “If I ever taught you or your child, this year for Teacher Appreciation Week please share what you (or your child) are up to now.” I, of course, read through some of the comments. And on one friend’s comments, a mom posted an update that her son was now a rescue swimmer in the Navy and included a photo.

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