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Eat His Cereal While He’s Gone

February 11, 2023

cerealThe Cocoa Pebbles cereal left a dirty residue on this morning’s cereal bowl which is, of course, still in the sink unrinsed. I’ll do dishes when Fred Flintstone himself comes a knocking on my door, I guess.

Anyway, I devoured those sugar spiked flakes without really tasting them—kind of surprising myself with how much thought I put into the act of eating his cereal while he’s not here

I really wanted to enjoy that breakfast. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy chocolate-flavored, made-for-children food when no one is watching?

If you’re going to give in and eat some categorically and undeniable junk food, it better be because you plan to enjoy it.

And there is where you’re wrong. Again.


Planning… as a military spouse. Hilarious.


Now, it’s not that eating breakfast was a horrible experience or something. It just wasn’t anything that I should have built up so much.

You ever do that? Anticipate an event so much that by the time whatever you’re looking forward to happens, you kind of just miss the actual moment. It comes and goes without even a whisper of the mental attention you gave it beforehand. And, if you’re like me, you either then regret the whole ordeal, or regret not being present enough to simply taste the cereal that you have no business eating.

Breakfast was clearly an epic failure on my part since it was supposed to be “Yabba-Dabba Delicious” and have the capability to “Rock Your Whole Mouth,” but to be fair, the box comes with a warning (unlike military life in general): sweetened naturally and artificially.


Sweetened Naturally


You can probably tick off a perk for each little Cocoa Pebble in the whole box when thinking of your military family and the life you have created together.


And Artificially…


I’m also sure you can plaster on a sugary sweet smile with the best of ’em by now.

I think the keyword in that little warning is “and.” Everything is a matter of perspective, so whether you are feeling truly grateful for your current circumstances or you’re faking it ’til you make it, don’t forget—life is sweet.


Go ahead and eat his cereal while he’s gone…





  • Angie is a lucky lady. Lucky, and blessed to be a wife and an Army wife to boot. She lives in Japan with her husband and two cats, Hunter and Matthews. Angie and her husband were married in 2013, and he began his military career in 2008. They met in Florida, and Angie hopes they will live off the Gulf Coast within walking distance to the beach one day. Along with the beach, Angie loves to have a good laugh, a good friend, and a good read or write. She has some serious favorites: food—macaroni and cheese, music—Tom Petty, workout—elliptical miles. Angie graduated from UCF with a degree in Elementary Education and taught for seven years, five of those years as a first grade teacher, and the last two as a reading coach. She has a collection of other jobs before and after teaching as well.

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