For anyone who has walked the trying to conceive (TTC) journey, you know that it can be long and that you can encounter struggles that can leave you with feelings of bitterness, jealousy, and sadness.
The True Cost of Infertility
When someone hears “infertility” they usually think of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and the expenses that are often associated with it due to lack of insurance coverage or the need to do multiple rounds.
How To Find Community
When you move to obscure places with little or no support for your military unit, how do you find your community? Join Julie as she talks all things community.
Battling the Trying to Conceive Summertime Blues
For most people, the summer months are usually fun, full of picnics, barbeques, vacations, and many other fun adventures. But for others, it can be full of the summertime blues. If you are in a time of trying to conceive (TTC) that isn’t happening as quickly as you’d...
Lingo for Reserve Spouses
Whether you are new to Reserve Spouse life or you have been around for a few years you might have begun to realize that we speak our own lingo that’s different from the active duty folks.
5 Things To Stop Saying to Someone Facing Infertility
A lot of people struggle with infertility silently, only share with close family and friends, but there are others that are open books. Regardless of how transparent someone may be about their struggle, there are some pretty common comments that people in the infertility world hear over and over that truly hurt.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904