Bye, bye, bye. Cute when it’s an NSYNC song, heart-wrenching when it’s your Milspouse reality.

From Green To brown…Finding beauty everywhere
“Blooming where you are planted may sound like an oxymoron to someone who discovers they are going to be planted in a brown desert, especially if that “someone” is from rolling green luscious hills of California wine country.
Join Deputy Director of Marketing, Lindsey Rauch, as she navigates the challenges of not only being a military spouse but a mom of two young children in a military family.
The Shocking Truth of being Thankful through the pain
There is always something to be thankful for. It doesn’t always come with big, happy, and cheerful events. It can come from the darkest of places as well.
You’ve made It…..Your 1st Duty Station!
You’ve made it! Not in a way that the adventure is over, for it is truly just beginning.
From Basic Graduation to AIT
Welcome to part two of our three-part series, where we are covering all the best tips and tricks for not just surviving but thriving in the transition of your loved one joining the services from Basic to AIT to your first duty station.
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN Number: 88-1604492
P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904