Have you ever been waiting for a phone call that you knew could change your life? Mary had high hopes for Fort Lewis, but this phone call changed all that.

When the Past, Present and Future Meet
We have nearly escaped the unknown future and have upgraded it to the “known” unknown. At my last writing, our PCS marketplace had yet to come out, and was delayed by two full months.
Questions that Spring from a PCS Move
We have entered what will likely be our last year in recruiting! I can't believe that two years have already gone by so quickly since our last move. I think time has gone by so much faster since we have lived closer to our family. The closer we get to this next PCS,...
All in the Family
I certainly still miss living on base and having access to certain things, especially the commissary. But there is a bright spot that has recently come to our recruiting environment—my brother. My brother has been in the army for about 8 years now, and has spent his entire career at Fort Bragg, with my sister-in-law and their kids. But he decided to volunteer to become a recruiter, and is now moving to our area. It’s the first time in nearly a decade that my siblings and myself will all be living near one another, and be able to be there for family events that we have missed out on over the years.
As Time Goes By…
We’ve been deep into the recruiting life for more than six months now, and I’m starting to feel a sense of normalcy coming back to daily life. It’s been a struggle at times to reach this, but now that we’re in a routine with more predictability, things have settled a bit.
A New Life in Recruiting
We’ve been deep into the recruiting world for a few months now, and so far, this transition has proved to be one of the most challenging of the many years we’ve lived in the military world. Not only has the transition back into a mostly civilian setting presented a number of difficulties, add in a global health crisis and things seem to find a way to get intense.
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El Paso, TX 79904