In a world where military life can carry a stigma of instability, uncertainty, and chaos, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the secret strength behind the uniform: military spouses.
Things to Remember When Buying Sight Unseen
As military families all over the globe prepare for their next move, the process of finding a new home can often be daunting, especially when relying on the virtual process for buying a home.
6 Home Maintenance Tips That You’re Probably Overlooking!
Being involved in real estate means going into ALOT of homes….some amazing and some not so amazing.
How to Find a Reliable Real Estate Agent
The holidays are done and the Marketplace is closed. For many of us military families, that often means one thing – it’s PCS season and you need a reliable real estate agent!
Navigating New Construction: Common Mistakes Homebuyers Should Avoid
Embarking on the journey of purchasing a new home is an exciting adventure. When navigating new contruction, the inexperienced homebuyer may overlook some key details.
Deck the Halls with Care: 5 Tips for Safely Packing Holiday Decorations During Your Spring PCS
Deck the Halls with Care: 5 Tips for Safely Packing Holiday Decorations During Your Spring PCS
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