What if we had the ability to change the world? Would you do it? Would you be that person to impact another person’s life? Well, we can! I think Uncle Sam said it best, “I Want You!” But, really we want you. You’re probably wondering what we want you for. We want you to celebrate #GivingTuesdayMilitary.
We want you to join our movement. The movement is easy. All it involves is kindness.
Okay, so now you might be thinking, “That doesn’t seem too hard. I’m a kind person. Where did this idea come from?”
Another fabulous question. Giving Tuesday, started in 2012 with the idea to make “giving” happen on an epic level.
On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, charities across the globe receive monetary donations which allow them to strengthen their cause. However, three 2019 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouses of the Year Branch winners Jessica Manfre (Coast Guard), Maria Reed (Army), and Samantha Gomolka (National Guard) decided to put their own twist on Giving Tuesday and launch the inaugural Giving Tuesday Military edition, which will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 3.
The mission is simple: 100 million intentional acts of kindness.
So, if you’re a member of the military community, a veteran, or a family member, we want you to help us to complete 1 million acts of kindness and share a photo, video, or post of this act on any and all social media channels with #GivingTuesdayMilitary. The hashtag will help Jessica, Maria, and Sam track the number of kind acts completed.
Head on over to #GivingTuesdayMilitary to learn more, join the movement, and find your local chapter. If there isn’t one yet, start one! You can change the world.
This community shows up. We’re dependable. We’re the people others lean on and wonder where we get our strength from.
But really, it’s just who we are.