We all have busy lives, no matter what we fill them with. There’s a house to take care of, a marriage to tend to, kids to raise, a job or school (or both). Add in the other stuff, the day-to-day humdrum tasks that seem to fill up the rest of our waking hours, and it’s easy to see how we forget Girls’ Time.
I did this with some high school friends in May. We planned it, worked our lives around it, and before we knew it, we were in our little apartment (thanks, Airbnb) on Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
Did we go crazy? Not really.
Did we spend a lot of time enjoying each other, catching up on our lives, and eating fabulous food in amazing restaurants? Absolutely.
Will we do it again? Every year, if I have anything to do with it.
There is something magical that happens when you allow yourself to separate from your every day existence, learn to let things go ,and let yourself enjoy the world around you. There’s true freedom, there’s a chance to explore things the way you did when you were a child. It opens the senses and makes you more appreciative, both of what you have in front of you at that moment and what you return to when you go home.
What this trip meant to me is something that I have a difficult time explaining. It was bonding, it was beauty, it was sharing. It was a total recharge of the batteries and a filling of the love tanks. It was absolutely necessary.