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It Takes a (Milspouse) Village to Get a Job

I’ve been in a funk. A slump. A professional job pitfall. I’ve applied to more than 150 jobs in a year. I’ve interviewed a handful of times. No second interviews. No offers.

I’m confident it isn’t due to my lack of ability, dedication, smarts, or drive. (Even if they may think that, I don’t).

I think I’m a military spouse.

In a non-military town.

Whose professional background is in military relations.

Now, don’t think I haven’t also applied for positions like WalMart (they said I was over qualified), the local grocery store (they didn’t say anything), receptionist, front desk, sales positions.

You name it, I’ve applied.

I think that this community may not know a lot about military spouses, but they do know we aren’t here for very long and haven’t learned the wealth of knowledge and skills we bring with us wherever we go.

Then there is the networking. A dear friend solicited for my employment on Twitter. Another has been keeping ears open around town. Yet another sends me emails often with open positions in my field. My field is small and competitive. Really competitive. Yesterday I finished an interview and thought it was a lock. I thought it was the perfect fit. The interview went well. I was hopeful and confident in receiving a second interview. I received an email. “You interview wonderfully.”

No second interview.

I decided last night that I was giving up. I was going to be happy as a stay-at-home mom, and we would just tighten our belts (again).

Today? My friend texted asking if I could meet for lunch, which was odd since we usually don’t do lunch. But, I adore her and was looking forward to it.


She had a job for me.

A real, paying job, doing something I never considered but seems and feels like a possible perfect fit. Thank the heavens!

And, just like that, after a year, I now have a job.

Never count yourself out. Ever. Also, don’t dismiss the power of the people you surround yourself with to advocate for you, root for you, and empower you to be successful. The end result is your responsibility but having support in your corner is a priceless commodity.

In this milspouse life, we all know it takes a village to do just about anything well. Don’t forget that when you are out there in unfamiliar territory, trying to find yourself.


1 Comment

  1. Starlett Henderson

    Great perspective Alison! Congratulations on your catch. Now you and everyone else in my village are on notice…I’m looking or will be starting 1 OCT. 🙂


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Buried interests

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