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As we enter the month of October and find ourselves with less daylight and cooler temps, one thing is certain…..It’s Fall!

Time to switch my spring/summer wardrobe for my fall/winter one.


Have you ever noticed that season after season, we gravitate towards the same clothes?


Have you also noticed multiple blue and white striped shirts or white tees in your closet? 

I have, and I found a way to make some changes.


So… to see which things I really wore throughout the season, I turned all my hangers backwards. 


This was not my original idea.  I have no idea where I read it, but, thank you, to whomever came up with it!

If I wore the item, it went back in the closet on the hanger facing the correct way. 

At the end of the fall/winter season last year, I gave everything that was still on a backward hanger to GoodWill. 

Initially, I questioned my choice, thinking ‘won’t I need that sometime?’ Well, the answer was a resounding “NO”.


Did this mean I filled my wardrobe up? 


Nope! The timing of the experiment was perfect!

I gave my fall/winter clothes to GoodWill at the beginning of the spring/summer season. 

As a result, I didn’t have any inclination to buy fall/winter clothes. 


Instead, I wanted spring clothes!


Sure, like any other woman, I buy a few things every season, but as I start the fall 2023 season,

I will once again turn my hangers backwards and see what happens. 

Now to get the courage to do that with my shoes! Anyone have an experiment for that?


Happy Fall! Remember Less is more!


*For more posts from Laura, Check out her M:M Author Page. We also found more information about the “Backwards Hanger Trick”



  • An Army Brat, Spouse, and now MOM, Laura holds a Bachelor’s in Human Services Psychology and a Master’s in Education from Marymount University. She has taught elementary school in various roles and locations throughout the globe. During her time as an Army spouse, she held various positions in spouses’ clubs, school PTAs, layette programs, city planning committees, garrison leadership groups, and FRG leadership and senior spouse roles. She is the daughter of a career Army officer who moved 12 times across the US and Germany as an Army brat. She met her husband at her parent’s house in Heidelberg, Germany. Together, they have 4 children and have moved 11 times throughout the US, Germany, and South Korea. Her husband retired from the Army in 2021 after 31 years of service and now works for the Army in a senior civilian role. To top it all off, her oldest child is now a LT in Germany. Her support of the Army is not over!

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1 Comment

  1. Cindy Anderson

    Laura, this is so cool! You’re such a creative person!!!


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