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20 Years and Counting: Enjoying the Journey

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked over the years some derivation of “So when does he hit 20? I bet you’re ready for retirement,” I’d be a very rich woman.

As my husband hits his 20-year mark of military service this month, I look back on this incredible journey, and while 20 may be the magic number for some, I’d be completely lying if I said I was ready to get off the ride.

Quite the contrary, I can’t imagine any other life. It’s given us so much, and it’s just not something I’m ready to say goodbye to just yet. 


Seeing the country


I remember that very first duty station and being so fearful that I would hate it. I’d lived in the same house for the majority of my childhood. In fact, I only have one memory of my first house. As much as I love my hometown, I’d always been a traveler and the idea of moving around exploring was alluring.

In the past 20 years, we’ve lived in six states (one of them twice) and nine houses. Those duty locations have been treasured stops along the way, each one contributing to our family’s background. Each one has become a part of our story, making us who we are. 


Making friends that become family


Military relationships tend to grow quickly; we’re not in one spot very long and time is of the essence. We’ve been blessed to cross paths with amazing people from diverse backgrounds who become family fast, and then scatter across the globe.

I can’t imagine my life without so many of these people, whether they were in my life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, as the old saying goes. 


Having new adventures


We’ve chosen to approach military life as an adventure, much like a road trip. It’s a winding road, filled with lots of stops along the way. We’ve sampled delightful foods from around the globe thanks to international partners.

We’ve beamed with pride watching a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. We’ve explored countless National Parks. We’ve visited governor’s mansions, the Capitol Building, and even watched fireworks from the White House lawn. 

A great deal of these things would probably not be on our family’s highlight reel if not for being a military family and moving to new places every couple of years. While we are travelers and love adventure, moving has given us reason to explore each of the areas we’ve been stationed. 


This life isn’t easy, and I also know that it is not for everyone.


But as I look ahead, I am so grateful for all that it has given to us. I look forward to the future, and however many more years that means. There are new places to go, new friends to make, and new adventures to be had.

So, when the next person asks, “So when does he hit 20? I bet you’re ready for retirement,” I can smile and say, “He’s already hit 20, and yes, I’ll be happy for retirement — someday — but not today.”


  • Sheila Rupp

    Sheila Rupp is originally from Michigan and is married to her high school sweetheart. She is a copy editor and writer with 20 years of experience. Like many military spouses, Sheila’s career has varied greatly over the years while staying within the communications field. Sheila has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communications, and a minor in professional writing from the University of New Mexico.  Sheila is a military spouse of 20 years. Having spent the first 17 years as an Air Force spouse, she is now a proud Space Force spouse after her spouse transitioned to the newest branch. In her free time, you’ll find Sheila on hiking trails, curled up with a good book, watching her daughter dance, or traveling the globe. Sheila is currently based in Los Angeles, California, where she lives with her husband, teenage daughter, and dog.


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