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I love being a Master Resilience Trainer. I’ve learned so much about myself and my actions. One of my favorite skills to teach is goal setting. I feel it’s important to have goals to push you forward. I always work better if I’m working to achieve something. My biggest goal last year was to graduate school, and I did it!

Goals are a vital aspect of our lives. They provide purpose, direction, motivation, commitment, and clarity about the desired outcome. Unfortunately, most of us don’t engage in a deliberate and systematic process for identifying goals and a plan for accomplishing them. Elite performers do it all the time.

Research has shown that goals and goal setting do influence performance. Setting and achieving goals do not have to be a burden, there is a method and process to help you chart the way.

Play it SMART.


Use the SMART acronym to help you develop goals that will push you over the finish line:

1. Be Specific.

Your goals must be specific. This means that you must point out with clarity and detail exactly what it is that you would like to achieve, and the more detail, the better the results. Here, you are determining the what element.

2. Make it Measurable.

Your goals must be measurable. Spend time developing criteria that you will use to measure your progress toward attainment of your goals.

3. Ensure they’re Attainable.

Your goals must be attainable. You must not only believe that you can achieve your goals, but also they must be within reach. If you have no belief in the goals you set, then your goals are nothing more than fleeting wishes or dreams that you will long for but never attain.

4. Be Realistic.

Our goals must be realistic. This means that, logically, given your time, money, resources, and level of skill, you will be able to achieve these goals successfully. If any of these is lacking, then you will either need to improve your time, financial setting, skills, and resources or simply set a different set of goals, but always aim high.

5. Set a Time.

Your goals must be timed. You must set a deadline for the achievement of your goals and objectives. Without clear deadlines, you are growing the seeds of procrastination within your mind.

Helpful Hints

  • Record your goals daily: Write smaller goals that lead to your larger goal.
  • Create goal reminders: Write your goal on a sticky note, and post it where it will be seen everyday.
  • Enlist a personal coach: Find a trusted friend to help you navigate through trails and roadblocks.
  • Include your coach: Ask them to help you stay accountable for your goals

The new year is all about setting goals. From losing weight to finishing school. Goal setting can help you. You can find MRT classes in your unit, installation MRT office, or even Army Community Services (or branch equivalent). Setting goals properly can help you obtain them. I’ve given you a start, now go set some great goals for the new year!

Examples of Goals

In case you’re wondering some of my goals for the new year!

Apply for Graduate School

  1. Get all transcripts from schools
  2. Work on application paper
  3. Submit required documents by schools’ deadlines

Be a Better Mom to my Children

  1. Tell them how special they are everyday
  2. Read to them at night
  3. Try my hardest not to raise my voice
  4. Show how much I love them

Share your SMART goals for the year with us in the comments below! 


  • M:M Command Team

    With over 159 years of military spouse experience and 68 PCSes under their belts, the M:M Command team is the ultimate Battle Buddy to help navigate Milspouse life. Powered by volunteer spirit and optimism the M:M Command Team could run a small country, but instead are dedicated entirely to the global empowerment of military spouses to help them conquer adversity, foster confidence, and thrive in this military life.



  1. Making Change Stick: Realistic Equals Sustainable | Army Wife Network - […] have been a few posts recently here on AWN about goal setting and SMART goals. Creating SMART goals is…

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