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Our Launch Partners: THANK YOU!

February 27, 2023

Is it just me, or has 2023 already been one for the record books?

Thankfully, I’m not referring to anything big (or dramatic) with our military household, but more from the angle of all things Mission: Milspouse. It’s been just over a month since our rebrand from Army Wife Network to Mission: Milspouse (hey-o, now serving all spouses, of all branches, and all components!) went public.

We did it. And then we took a nap (or six).

But now that the dust has settled-ish, I want to personally thank those who made this transition possible. As you may imagine, it is no small feat to rebrand an entire all-volunteer-powered organization (did we mention it took us two years?!?) of this size (over 100K online followers) and this legacy (18 years of podcasting).

First, a huge, epic shout out to the Mission: Milspouse Command Team.

To say this was a “group effort” is an understatement. We had more meetings, frantic text conversations, and late night emails than I care to recall. But these 19 military spouses EMPOWERED UP to make some serious things happen. Well done, team. So well done!

Another huge component of our launch were the awesome giveaways we hosted over a span of two weeks.

Executive Director Confession Time:

I had initial hopes to get maybe 10-ish small prizes to share with our followers as we announced our exciting news. I did a shout out to drum up some donations online… And as its been said, things escalated quickly. We had more than 40 individuals, organizations, and business jump at the chance to donate to our rebrand campaign. I was (and am still) absolutely floored by their generosity!

So with that in mind, I wanted to take a moment to publicly say THANK YOU to all of our generous launch partners.

The donations of books, products, and services elevated this transition to a level that we never anticipated.

As a small token of gratitude, we want to highlight them here (and I personally encourage you to go check out all they have to offer by clicking on their links below this slide show of the swag we gave away.



In no particular order, THANK YOU for your generosity to make our launch a smashing success!


Wyoming Bumpkin Bath & Body, Amie Metzger
My Vintage Posh, Paulette Fryar
Crafty Chique Wreaths, Melissa McQueen
I Make Things With Hooks and Yarn, Anastassia Kennedy
Jacks Mountain Self Care Co., Alan & Betsy Rains
RPT Engraving, Jonathan Wells
Paths to Motherhood, Hannah Robertson
Crowned in Beauty, Kimberly Lecar
Heart and Sole Fit, Stephanie Lueras
Development 412, Anita Foor
Pebble & Palm, Jessica Schwan
The Seamless Coach, Kelsea Warren
Mountain View Creations, Letty Patricia Arcuri
Love and Reverie, Emma Furlong
Tutor in Tinseltown, Stephanie Johnsen
Palm Breeze Digital, Hannah Wynn
Papers of Praise Stampin’ UP, Stephanie Larson
BraveCrate, Becky Hoy
Budgeting Babe Co, Amanda Bechard
Inspire Up Foundation
Heart’Felt Travels, Mindy King
BURST, Laura Vanderwerf
WilcoSupplyCo, Amy Slinker
Tout Sweet Macarons, Shannon Gonzales
StickWithMeLLC, Jeremy & Cyndi Hill
Better Biz Academy, Laura Briggs
Frontline Built Designs, Daniel Major
The Willow Tree Co, Sophia Anderson
Freedom Revival Fitness, Kelsey Testa
Well Fit Living, LaQuista Erinna
InDependent, Evie King
Bluestem Acres LLC, Samantha Kessler
Just Moved Ministry, Susan Miller
Steady Hands Crochet, Melissa Steadman
HoneyBea Hive, Tanika Brooks
Spouse Serve, Julia Cregar
Summoned, Megan Brown
77 Letters, Susan Hunter
Tux & Edo, Angie Andrews
The Bear and the Hug, Megan Cannioto

Once again, thank you to our so-very-generous launch partners and everyone who participated in our giveaways. We are so grateful for the opportunity to continue our legacy of empowering military spouses around the world with our new brand and refreshed vision!




  • With over 159 years of military spouse experience and 68 PCSes under their belts, the M:M Command team is the ultimate Battle Buddy to help navigate Milspouse life. Powered by volunteer spirit and optimism the M:M Command Team could run a small country, but instead are dedicated entirely to the global empowerment of military spouses to help them conquer adversity, foster confidence, and thrive in this military life.

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Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN Number: 88-1604492


P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904


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