As the summer begins, household goods are being packed and shipped to new places all over the world. The excitement of a new duty stations also brings the dread of transferring your Tricare health care which can be daunting when managing multiple family members.
Below are some tips to help ease your TRICARE stress.
Do not make any changes to your enrollment until you arrive at your new duty station.
This is important because if you need to seek care during your travels your information will be up to date.
Remember, dependents do not need a referral for urgent care, but the active-duty member does.
Call the TRICARE nurse advice line to receive a referral to the nearest urgent care. 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273)
When you arrive at your new duty station and have an address, call your regional TRICARE office to update your information.
- TRICARE West 1-844-866-9378 (HealthNet Federal Services)
- TRICARE East 1-800-444-5445 ( Humana Military)
- TRICARE OCONUS (Region specific)
As soon as your information is updated with TRICARE, call your local Military Treatment Facility (MTF) to register.
Your sponsor will also need to see DEERS to update your information and in-process to post. With the rollout of MHS Genesis, your family’s health information is available all on one network.
However, the transition has not happened across all posts/bases so it is important to bring a list of all specialty care referrals that are currently open as new ones will need to be assigned.
If you have time, research what providers are in the area that you’d like to use.
This will speed up the process. Remember, if you are at a post that has a large MTF that offers specialty care, you will be seen at that hospital if space allows.
Posts with large hospitals have ‘right of first refusal’, meaning that if they have specialty services available, they will treat the individual.
This may be frustrating if you want to see a civilian doctor, but keeping health services in-house is better for the service member and their family. It reduces costs, puts money back into the MTF for increased capacities, state-of-the-art equipment, and allows continuity of care because all your records are available for the PCM to help guide services.
Do not be upset if you must receive services at your MTF, it’s a good thing!
PROTIP: When calling civilian providers, make sure to confirm they are IN-NETWORK. If you simply ask if they take TRICARE and they say yes, but they are not in-network, you will have fees, or a referral will be denied to that practice.
You can find in-network providers at TRICARE.MIL
HELP! I received a bill!
Don’t sweat and do not pay the bill before you contact TRICARE to understand the charges.
If you receive a bill from a civilian provider and it is marked Point of Service (POS) it means that they may not have your referral on file or may not have your insurance information correct.
By contacting TRICARE, they can resend the referral and have the claim resubmitted.
I’m not living on post; do I have to use the MTF?
The answer is it depends. If you live within a 30-minute drive time you must enroll to the MTF at your duty station.
Some duty stations allow civilian PCM options for dependents, to find out what your specific base requires, contact your regional office for options.
Be Proactive and stay up to date.
Often changes happen and we may not be aware for months. The best thing you can do is sign up for email alerts on TRICARE.MIL.
This way you will receive important information as soon as it is released. In addition, make sure to register on the MHS Genesis patient portal.
You can find information on MHS Genesis at MTF’s will be using this electronic health platform by the end of 2023.
Finally, referral nurses are your friend!
Each duty station has a TRICARE Liaison embedded to the MTF. They are assigned to help the MTF navigate the TRICARE system and help solve difficult problems. From claims, to denied referrals, the liaison at your post can investigate and provide assistance.
Engage with the referral nurses at the MTF and ask them for help.
PCSing is difficult, but your health insurance does not have to be. Take a breath, pack a box, and remember that TRICARE has you covered.
Safe travels my friends!
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