Living in Alaska has been an amazing experience for me, but soon it will be time to say goodbye. If I’m being honest, I am heartbroken. I never imagined that I’d love living here, but I do, because Alaska is breathtakingly beautiful, even at -20 degrees in the dead of winter.
Lessons Learned in the Army Reserve
I joined the Army Reserve nearly four years ago, and I’m grateful for all the lessons learned and experiences that being a Reservist has brought me. I definitely would not be the person that I am today had I not made the decision to join right out of high school.
Here are a few lessons I’ve learned along the way:
Balancing Civilian and Reserve Life
This year, I’m making it my goal to find more balance between my civilian and military life. You see, I’m a civilian, but I’m also in the Army Reserves. It’s something I have to explain to people a lot when they ask me why I’m not available at certain times of the year.
AWTR Show #207: Being an Army Reservist Spouse
This week on AWTR we’re featuring Wife of CSM Leon Caffie, Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Reserve – Sylvia Caffie. Field Problems Resource of the Week: Director, Family Programs, Office of the Chief, Army Reserve with information on Employer Partnership, The Newbie Minute, Real Life Warrior, and Household 6!
Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
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El Paso, TX 79904