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The Atheist and The Chaplain

Did you hear the one about the Chaplain and the Atheist who walked into a bar? The bartender looked at them and said,

“What is this, some kind of joke?”


In all seriousness, Chaplains and Atheists may seem like an unlikely pair.


Still, they can share a common interest in exploring life’s profound questions, and in finding meaning and purpose in their existence. So, while they may approach these questions from different perspectives, they can still have meaningful conversations and learn from one another.

An Atheist may wonder what they could talk about with a Chaplain.


After all, as religious leaders, Chaplains provide spiritual guidance to those who follow a particular faith. However, it’s important to remember that Chaplains help to ensure the free exercise of religion and the right to have no religion.

This means they can talk to individuals of all convictions—Atheists included!


So, why would an Atheist want to talk to a Chaplain?


Well, for starters, all conversations with a Chaplain are 100% confidential. This fact makes Chaplains distinctly different from other care providers who have mandatory reporting requirements.

Therefore, if an Atheist is dealing with a personal issue they don’t feel comfortable discussing with anyone else, they can turn to a Chaplain for a listening ear or some guidance.

Perhaps an Atheist is struggling with their sense of purpose in life.


They may not believe in a higher power, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to find meaning and fulfillment in their existence.

A Chaplain may help them explore their values and beliefs and provide some perspective on what it means to lead a fulfilling life.


Or maybe an Atheist is dealing with a difficult loss or tragedy.


They may not believe in an afterlife, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need emotional support and comfort. Again, a Chaplain can offer a compassionate ear and some coping strategies for dealing with grief and loss.

At the end of the day, the role of a Chaplain is to be there for individuals of all faiths and backgrounds.


So, if you’re an Atheist needing someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Chaplain.

You may find some unexpected common ground and gain some new insights along the way.



*For more articles like this, check out The Chaplain’s Corner.



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  • Jason Hohnberger

    Chaplain (Major) Jason Hohnberger is an Army Chaplain. He serves The American Forces Network as the Broadcast Center Chaplain in Riverside, CA. Jason married his wife, Melissa, when he was just a Private in 1989. They reside in Southern California with their son and two daughters. His hobbies include backpacking, photography, and playing guitar. 


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