I’m about a year or two behind the times, but I do love the “Keep calm and…” signs. Please do forgive me; I need all the reminders I can get.
As I hinted before, Big Sarge’s assignment here in Alaska is being curtailed eight months earlier than expected, and we are leaving for Kentucky in six months. Six months! Such a short time left here.
Because of this, I’ve been saying “yes” to so much.
There’s a “mystery basket” cooking contest in the DFAC? I’m there with a sassy apron, my cast iron skillet, and a flask of whiskey.
The kids want to climb up Arctic Valley just to pick two cups of blueberries? Sure, let’s just bring the bear spray.
Which brings me to my first reason to say “yes.”
1. You never know when you’re going to leave.
This was our last summer in Alaska. Surprise! (Yes, Alaska has summers, and they are spectacular.) We would have missed the State Fair, with the giant cabbage and Nutella-filled beignets, if I had said “no.” This was my last chance to can fireweed jelly, an Alaskan delicacy. Let’s face it, when would I ever get a chance to come to Alaska again? Make the most of every opportunity that you have. No matter where you are, find the awesome touristy things (or not-so-touristy things), and dive right in.
2. “No” is lazy.
Super harsh, I know. “No” requires you to to do nothing, change nothing, and fix nothing. “No” gets nothing done. I love that there are so many people, both military and civilian, who volunteer their time and talents to help others. May I encourage you to be one as well?
3. “Yes” opens doors.
It’s true! Not just a here’s-a-certificate-for-x-number-of-volunteer-hours-and-a-pat-on-the-back door. You meet people when you say “yes.” You meet friends, you meet people that know other people (I believe that in the business world they call that networking), and you meet weird people, too. I haven’t figured out what to do about the weird people I meet, except to remember that they too, shall PCS.
Say yes, my friends. Say yes and see what happens. Say yes and have adventures in this crazy life that we lead.