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What Ever Happened To Just Being A Fan?

What ever happened to just being a fan? Has the expectation to win at all costs cast a shadow over the pure joy of team loyalty?


Let’s be clear. In our modern world, winning is the name of the game. Especially In football (but basically everything else as well), success is measured by the win.


But when we don’t come out on the winning side, does that negate everything we trained, fought, and bled for? 


Does the loss render our passion, our faith, and our loyalty useless?

What about pride in the struggle, or in the effort? 

Why do we chastise people when they “jump on the Bandwagon”, but allow others to easily “jump off” without penalty?


We live in a fickle world fueled by social media influencers and 24/7 content that gives very little room for blind loyalty.


The kind of loyalty we used to have as sports fans. The loyalty that doesn’t call for a coach’s head to roll after just one season.

The kind of loyalty that made players want to stay with one franchise or team.

The kind of loyalty that die hard fans were allowed to have and celebrate without question. 


The kind of loyalty that is getting harder and harder to possess as we are inundated with the constant stream of professional nitpickers and armchair coaches. 


As social media evolved, I was excitedly drawn into the world of “Pittsburgh Steeler Fan Pages”. 

I joined as many as I could find.

I anticipated that my passion for my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers would be echoed by others who also bled black and gold for as many years as I had.

Man, was I wrong!

I quickly came to realize that the pride of being a Steeler fan could NOT be found on the wall of every fan page.

I sometimes found myself double checking the name of the page it was so negative.


Where have all the Steeler fans gone?


Why are all these talking heads, former players and coaches, and disgruntled football fans telling us who to blame and how to fix things?

Where is the smooth voice and infectious optimism of Myron Cope?

Why have we elevated the expectation of the game to such heights that we no longer enjoy the big plays and little moments in spite of the loss?

What kind of message does that send?

I realize that professional commentators and sports analysts all have to write and say something, but why should what they say determine OUR loyalty level.


Whatever happened to just being a fan, no matter the record?


Ask a Lion fan of the past 30 years.

Ask a “Pre-Mahomes” Chiefs fan.

Ask any Patriot fan since Tom Brady left.

Ask the little boy in the TJ Watt jersey standing next to his grandpa in the Jack Lambert jersey.


They know the heartache and the hype.


They know that no matter the record….

No matter the coach….

No matter who is on the roster……

It’s the uniform they root for.

It’s the colors they put on like armor.

It’s the city they hail from; both born and adopted.

Why shouldn’t we celebrate the feeling of seeing terrible towels take over a stadium at an away game?

Why shouldn’t we watch the “Immaculate Reception” every time it is shown online.

Why shouldn’t we argue that the best Super Bowl commercial EVER is the one where Mean Joe Green tosses his dirty, battle tested jersey to a kid in exchange for a bottle of Coca Cola.


After all…..


WE know that “Terrible Towel Arm “ is a real injury.

WE know that the real Killer B’s were not an environmental threat.

WE know that our storied franchise was built by great players and coaches with a “hard hat” work ethic.

WE know that football games can be won by PLAYERS who play with a TEAM mentality for a REAL fan base that refuses the siren call of “The Bandwagon“.

WE know that a Styx song from the 1980’s can turn faith into miracles during the 4th quarter.

Where have WE gone, Steeler fans ?

No matter what happens during Wild Card Weekend…..WE are better than this.




*To read more of Kathleen’s work, visit her M:M Author Page.



  • Kathleen is an educator and project seeker from Texas. In her 28 years as an Army wife, Kathleen has taught and coached in six different states and Germany. Kathleen has a big heart for both Army families and soldiers having served as a Soldier for Life counselor in both Germany and Korea. Her favorite part of Army life is her acquired community of battle buddies! Kathleen loves words (both speaking and writing them) and has contributed to AWN, NMFA, The Fort Hood Sentinel, The Army Spouse Handbook, Inside Abu Ghraib, Memoirs of Two US Military Intelligence Officers, and The Army War College at Carlisle. Her favorite writing piece about being an Army wife is “The Lady in the Grey Suit” which was published in 2015 in Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors (Vol.3). You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, or on her website, Life Is Messy, Love Big. Just like Kathleen, the site is a WORK in Progress! She also currently serves as Mission: Milspouse Director of Content.

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