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When the Going Gets Tough: Part 3

Welcome to AWN’s Monthly Recon Rendezvous link-up! We’re so glad you’re here. As the name implies, Recon Rendezvous is a place of community and connection. It’s an opportunity to explore and learn about our fellow military supporters’ lives, victories, trials, and experiences.

Each month, we “rendezvous” here to provide information, resources, and encouragement. So do some “reconnaissance,” link up, swing by your “neighbor,” and leave a comment. 

All good things must come to an end but not before we go out with a bang! Welcome to our final installment of tips and tricks on how to survive (and maybe even thrive) when the going gets tough as milspouses. (Just joining us? Check out our previous posts in this mini-series by clicking here and here.)

Today, my tip for toughing-it-out survival is once again pretty simple. My go to when I start to feel a bit cray-cray? Get. Some. Rest. 

It might sound impossible, but I learned that “rest” can come in a variety of forms, not just catching up on the eleventy-billion hours of sleep you feel like you’re behind on. Yes, it’s true that I try to take some kind of “nap” several days a week. Contrary to popular belief, a nap does not need to be three hours long to be effective. Even just lying down for 20-30 minutes will do wonders for my body and soul.

Rest can also be shutting off all the noise in the house and breathing deep for a few minutes.

It could be foregoing the to-do list and heading to bed right after the kids hit the hay.

Try to take things off your “list” to free up a little more space for margin in your life.

We are a single-income household, and when we were recently preparing to birth our second child, we pulled some strings to outsource the “house-cleaning” a couple times a month. Now I have clean toilets and my stress level is so much lower… and I have a little bit of time to rest instead of worrying about how long it’s been since I vacuumed.

But again, don’t just take my word for it. Check out the final (awesome) tips contributed from our AWN milspouse readers like you about when the going gets tough:

“I stay as busy as possible. Not all days are easy and when I do have a bad one I tell myself five positive things about my life and repeat them aloud. I’m going through my first deployment right now, miss my hubby like crazy, but I’m making time for me!” — Kymberlin L.

“I work out, play with my son and dogs, put my son to sleep for the night, watch my favorite TV shows or movies, drink some wine/hot chocolate (if it’s winter time), and just relax. I call my parents, get a good night’s sleep, make my favorite cappuccino, bake something, or even clean the house.” — Karen A.

“I take some time for myself, especially important if you have kids. Stay busy and visit family (if you can).” — Mary S.

“I make sure I’m working out and eating well. I also garden and scrapbook.” — Aly K.

“I go for coffee and find friends to laugh with!” — Amanda N.

“I focus on my faith. PWOC has been a great support and so has Chapel Next.” — Lori J.

“I pour my time into something else, such as taking these free leadership classes on post (I earned a dual MBA while he was gone) and volunteering at the kids’ school. Also, even if he can’t respond, text him stuff you normally would, jokes, stuff from Facebook that’s funny, and when he gets the time he can see it and respond.” — Dina C.

“I hang with friends, Skype with family, work out and go on adventures with the kids.” — Nicole M.

“I do sewing, shopping, or crafting. Also, just spending time with a great friend helps, or even just alone to think.” — Lanitha W.

“I work out, take bubble baths, and lean on my Army sisters, the Ferguson Street Friends! We all met at Campbell and are in constant contact thanks to Facebook messenger. We all take care of one another even though we’re no longer stationed together. And they have already offered to hop on a plane if I need them for this deployment.” — Bethany L.

“I clean, work out, take a drive, ride a horse, spend time with family, or work on my crochet/knitting projects.” — Cricket D.

What a powerful way to wrap up this series! Do you have any final thoughts to add to our list? Leave a comment below. Thanks for tuning in, and check back next month for more great thoughts on all things Recon Rendezvous and military spouse life!

Recon Rendezvous


  • Sharita Knobloch

    Dr. Sharita Knobloch has been married to her beloved infantryman husband for 12 years. She holds a Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counseling: Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University. Sharita is mama, a smallish dog owner, aspiring runner, writer, speaker, and spiritual leadership coach. She has been with Mission: Milspouse (formerly Army Wife Network) since February 2014. In 2020, she was named Armed Forces Insurance Fort Bliss Military Spouse of the Year. Sharita gets really excited about office supplies and journal shopping, is a certified auctioneer, overuses hashtags on a regular basis with #NoShame and frequently uses #America! as a verb.


  1. Dan Dykstra

    When the tough get’s going, I get on my knees in prayer.

  2. Manda

    Thank you so much!!!! This info is really helping me to put it all together. I’m new to this life and this kind of support and resources!

  3. Steve Weber

    When the going gets tough look tough in the face.

  4. Tracie Cooper

    When the going gets tough I call on my inner strength and sometimes my mom, LOL

  5. Donna Conder

    When the going get tough, I laugh in its face and take it head on

  6. Glen H

    When the going gets tough find some quiet space and a good book

  7. Sarah Mayer

    Just smile and continue on your day.



  1. When the Going Gets Tough: Part 3 (Giveaway/Link-up @ AWN) - 7 Days Time - […] When the Going Gets Tough …  […]

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