Editor’s note: This post is sponsored by the National Father’s Day Committee for the “All-Star” Dad Award.
When I was growing up, my dad and I always played the “How much do I love you?” game. It starts off with saying, “I love you,” and then comes the question of: “But how much do you love me?” We’d go back and forth saying, “I love you this much!” as we motioned with our arms until we couldn’t stretch them out any further. The game always ended the same way.
“I love you more,” I’d say.
And Dad always replied, “I love you more than more!”
Love between family members is always worth celebrating, and many times, we chose to honor those we love in some way. This year, consider honoring your dad or a dad you know with a chance to become 2019’s “All-Star” Dad.
The National Father’s Day Committee, along with Esquire, is looking for America’s #1 “All-Star” Dad. Each year in June, the National Father’s Day Committee celebrates role model fathers with a special lunch in New York City. The guests include publicly recognized dads—celebrities, former presidents, sports figures, and retail icons. This year, one exceptional dad will be honored as well.
Who will that dad be?
Maybe yours or mine!
The 2019 competition to find America’s #1 “All-Star” Dad is open and nominations will be accepted through May 22. Visit allstardad.org to find out more about the “All-Star” Dad Award.
The winning dad for 2019 will receive a trip for himself and four guests to New York City and the National Father’s Day Luncheon. Prize recipients must travel during the designated timeframe to include attendance at the luncheon on June 13, 2019. Be sure to check out the full prize details outlined in the contest rules.
Official nominations should meet all contest rules and can be submitted online or through postal mail. Each nomination should be 250 words or less and must be original, previously unpublished work of the submitting party.
Nominate an “All-Star” Dad today by clicking here or submitting your nomination to:
“All-Star” Dad Search
National Father’s Day/Mother’s Day Council
37 W. 39th Street, Suite 1102
New York, NY 10018
Include your name, address, and telephone number, as well as the name, address, and telephone number of the dad you’re nominating. Email addresses may also be included.
The winner of this year’s contest will be selected on or around May 29, 2019.