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AWTR Show #836: Military Protocol & Traditions

Have you been to an event and realized you aren’t sure of what to do at a certain time? Have you been to a military ball for the first time and didn’t read the program and therefore didn’t know the responses during the toasts? Well, this week’s podcast is here to get you ready for the military protocol and traditions that will help you get through this military life graciously.

Ginger Perkins and Michelle Hodge explain that it’s better to do the wrong thing graciously than the right thing rudely. They, along with Ann Crossley, love helping soldiers and spouses not be anxious when attending events. Because understanding the why behind the traditions helps spouses to enjoy Army life. For instance, did you know that Martha Washington started having coffees because General Washington needed to gather support? Or did you realize that the Army is a year older than our nation? Knowing the guidelines also helps your moves across the nation and the world.

This podcast has a giveaway! For a free copy of The Army Spouse Handbook and Customs, Courtesies & Traditions:A Primer for Family Members, from the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), comment on this podcast with the phrase “Teach me traditions and protocol” to be entered to win. To connect with Ginger and Michelle, you can find their blogs at Army Wife Network or snag their books online by visiting

The Army Spouse Handbook is a 21st-century guide for 21st-century spouses. An easily understood description of the Army’s structure and its unique culture and protocols for ceremonies, including parades, changes of command, and responsibility—everything you need to know to make your life as an Army spouse enjoyable and fulfilling! And the Customs, Courtesies & Traditions: A Primer for Family Members (from AUSA) was called “A must-have publication for every Army family. Whether you are a new Army bride, parent of a soldier, or a soldier for life,” by AUSA.

Ginger and Michelle were both active Army spouses during their husbands’ long Army careers. They met at Fort Stewart, Georgia, while their husbands were brigade commanders together during the initial Iraq phase (2001-2003). They bonded through the war as well as their love of the Army and its traditions and protocol. 

Resource Recon with Amanda and Chrissy

This week’s spotlight is a post by , titled 7 Misconceptions of the National Guard:

There was a time in my life when I knew nothing about the National Guard. All I knew was what I learned in history class about their role with the Little Rock Nine. I also knew that I saw them after tornado outbreaks in my state.

With the help of other Guard spouses, I compiled a list of the most common misconceptions of the National Guard and of being a National Guard spouse.

Empowerment Patrol Report with Amanda

Today we are showcasing our Everyday Empowerment recipient – Liz Boldt. She was nominated by our very own Amber Peterson, who states that:

Liz is an Army Wife and mom of three kiddos under five. Recently, her husband was on a rotation for 8 months while she was pregnant and caring for two toddlers. Even with all that going on, Liz found a way to make time for other Army wives as well. For example, she even offered a lot of help and support for another milspouse who was pregnant and her husband was gone as well. Liz is the type of empowering and reliable friend, battle buddy, milspouse that you want around; always thinking of others, even when things are chaotic at home and she’s always willing to help out. From sending money for a Starbucks pick me up on a random hard day to always being that smiling face and lending a listening ear to others. Liz is embodiment of everyday empowerment.

Thank you so much to Liz Boldt for doing your part to empower military families across the globe.

Health Minute with the Army Surgeon General

August is National Immunization Awareness month. And it is prime time for ensuring that families are up to date on all of their immunizations. Army public health experts say that vaccinations are the most effective protection against disease. Vaccinations do not just protect the individual who chooses to be immunized. When enough people in the community have immunity to a disease, opportunities for an outbreak are reduced because protected individuals interrupt disease spread.

News 6 with Jolene

Here are the top news stories from this week:

U.S. Combat Troops to Withdraw from Iraq

President Biden announced a plan to remove “all remaining U.S. combat troops” from Iraq by the end of 2021. According to the BBC, “Iranian-backed politicians and militias want them out, especially after the U.S. assassinated the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quids Force, Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani” early in 2020. However, it also states that some are concerned with a recurrence of the Islamic State, which is what happened in 2011 when President Obama pulled troops from the area.

Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

We’re coming to the height of hurricane season, and if you’ve recently PCS’d to a hurricane-prone area, the Department of Defense wants you to be prepared. When a hurricane is heading your way, you may need to prepare your home, which could include installing hurricane shutters or plywood on windows, securing outdoor objects such as patio furniture, and filling up your vehicles with fuel. Inside, build a kit that includes enough food and water for at least three days, batteries, solar-powered phone charger, a flashlight, and a hand-crank radio. Get the latest hurricane updates from the National Hurricane Center.

U.S. Soldier Wins Gold Medal

Amber English, First Lt. Army Reserve soldier who trains with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit located at Fort Benning in Georgia, won the gold medal and set an Olympic record at the Olympics last week. She beat out the “defending champion, Diana Bacosi” from Italy. English is one of 19 U.S. athletes competing who also serve in the military. Most of those are from the Army, reported the Department of Defense.

Read news stories more here.

Thank You

Thank you for tuning into this week’s episode. Please leave a five-star rating and review on Apple podcasts, then send us a screenshot of your review to or DM us on Facebook or Instagram @armywifenetwork to receive a special in-real-life gift as a thank you on behalf of AWN. We appreciate your engagement and support.

With over 159 years of military spouse experience and 68 PCSes under their belts, the M:M Command team is the ultimate Battle Buddy to help navigate Milspouse life. Powered by volunteer spirit and optimism the M:M Command Team could run a small country, but instead are dedicated entirely to the global empowerment of military spouses to help them conquer adversity, foster confidence, and thrive in this military life.

1 Comment

  1. Sharita Knobloch

    These two women (plus Ann!) are so incredibly passionate and WISE! Gosh, what a great conversation– joy-filled AND super helpful for all things military etiquette. Thank you, Michelle and Ginger!


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