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Check Out the Updated TRICARE Publications Suite

Check Out the Updated TRICARE Publications Suite!


Are you looking for the latest details about your TRICARE health plan?

You’re in luck!

TRICARE has updated its entire publications suite with the latest information about your health plan.

The new publications now include current details like how to find your TRICARE region, how to contact your regional contractor, and what you’ll pay for care.


These updates make it easier to understand and use your TRICARE benefit.


In these publications, you’ll find phone numbers and websites for your regional contractors, who can help you with questions about your care. The updates include new maps of your region’s service area.

The cost products explain what you’ll pay for different types of care in 2025. You can easily find information about annual fees, cost-shares and copayments, and pharmacy and dental costs.


For comprehensive information about specific plans, check out the TRICARE handbooks.


Some handbooks also explain how TRICARE works with other health insurance and what to do when traveling or moving to a new region. Special sections cover dental and vision benefits, plus programs for specific groups like active duty family members or retirees.

The TRICARE brochures are a great resource for you to get more details about your benefit. The brochures cover topics like maternity care, retirement, using Medicare, and more.

Similarly, the TRICARE fact sheets go into more detail about specific programs and terms you should know about. You can download these publications by visiting TRICARE Publications.

You may also be able to get paper copies of some of these publications at your local military hospital or clinic. The online versions include helpful links to forms, tools, and resources you might need.

Check out these updated publications to learn the latest about your health benefit. They’ll help you make informed choices about your family’s health care.



*For more information, visit or contact your regional contractor. For more posts like this, visit Mission:Milspouse



  • The Defense Health Agency is a joint, integrated Combat Support Agency that enables the Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services to provide a medically ready force and ready medical force to Combatant Commands in both peacetime and wartime. Their mission is to provide a medical benefit commensurate with the service and sacrifice of more than 9.6 million active duty personnel, military retirees and their families.

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