Most of us know the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. There are serious benefits to optimism.
- develops resiliency
- is good for your health and boosts immunity
- helps you cope better with stress
- gives you a tendency to be more successful
- attracts friends who are also upbeat and positive
- turns problems into opportunities
Mike Dooley, a New York Times Bestselling author, speaker, and entrepreneur, once said: “Thoughts become things…choose the good ones!”
Despite knowing the wonderful benefits of a positive mental attitude, we often still struggle with negative self talk that took root in our thinking during our childhood. However, the old adage is true, you are what you think.
But how can we encourage a life filled with positivity and nurture an optimistic outlook?
Turn your I can’ts and I’m nots into I can and I am.
Write down a list of positive affirmations to say aloud to yourself each morning as you start your day. Saying them out loud causes both your ears and your mind to hear what you’re saying, and slowly but surely, by making daily affirmations a habit, your negative self talk will quiet and you’ll feel more confident and assured.
Here are some affirmations to get you started
- I embrace my life and live every day to the fullest.
- I love who I am and strive to take care of myself.
- I forgive myself and others for past mistakes.
- I am confident and content.
- I hold my head up high and wear a smile all the time.
- I am strong and resilient.
- I am patient with myself and my loved ones.
- I shape my own destiny. What I believe, I become.
These are just some suggestions to get you going. I would encourage you to write out affirmations that speak to your own life and current circumstances. Remember, the journey to a healthier and more positive you begins when y-o-u take the first step.
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