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News 6: August 28

August 30, 2023

Howdy y’all and buckle up for this very special weeks News 6 update!

Navy and Coast Guard Team Up to Save Divers


It was a team effort near Cape Fear, North Carolina, to save four stranded divers. Ben Wiggins, 64, Luke Lodge, 26, Daniel Williams, 46 and Daniel’s son, Evan Williams, 16 Were diving off the pleasure boat Big bills when they went missing for 18 hours. .

The divers were able to send an SOS message with a strobe light and get the attention of Air Station Elizabeth City.

A C130 crew then flew out and dropped a life raft from the back of the plane and then alerted the coast guard for location and pickup.

The four men’s journey started out at Myrtle beach, South Carolina and they were found about 70 miles away. They were taken to shore and  reunited with their families with no reported injuries. 

“When the Coast Guard goes out on a search and rescue mission, our goal each and every time is to find people and return them to their friends and family. In this case, it’s exactly what we were able to do. It’s at the core of what we do,”

Captain Tim List, commander of the Coast Guard Sector of North Carolina, said.

“The ocean is a pretty dangerous place, and it can be a lot of fun to be out on the water, but having the right safety equipment and the right information is critical.”

We love a good military collab! Good job sailors and coasties! Find out more at


Jenny Comes Home


A World War Plane has found a forever home and a future makeover in her future!


And Selfridge air museum at the Selfridge National Guard Air Base in Michigan is abuzz with the news. The World War I bi-plane known as a Curtiss JN-4 is being purchased and donated by Financial Credit Union.


“There are currently only seven Jenny aircraft left in the world and now our museum will have one of them,” Ed Kaminski, deputy director of the museum said, in a news release.


This particular Jenny has suffered a landing accident in her past and the museum is fixing to fix her up good as new!

While a new addition to the museum, this air base has seen its fair share of Jennys, the first one utilizing the air base in 1917 in the hey day of WW1.

Used extensively at the air base as training planes during that time period, the museum knows it will take a lot of long hours and no how to get this old girl back into tip top shape.


You’re recreating something that was built 80 years ago,” Kaminski said, adding everyone involved is looking forward to the work. “They’re all kids at heart. Instead of building a model airplane they are building the real thing.”


“We’re all excited about it,” Kaminski said. “It’s very historic to have a Jenny at Selfridge.”


Sounds like the perfect home for Jenny! Hope she likes her facelift! No shame in getting a little work done!

Find out more at and

Mission:Milspouse Hits its 1000th Episode


Your favorite podcast around,( Mission:Milspouse in case it was not obvious), is celebrating its 1000 episode! 

Currently known as Army Wife Talk Radio, it started in 2005 and then merged with Field Problems, and Loving A Soldier blog to become the army wife Network in 2009. 

The organization did a major rehaul just a few short months ago to be inclusive of all branches and our male spouses. 

They are a fully vetted 501C3 organization and everyone you hear speaking on this show, the behind the scene magicians, and the ones who keep the lights on for the blog and website are 100 percent volunteer.

So, if you’re feeling generous, here’s my shameless plug that donations are accepted and welcomed with glee and rejoicing. 

Here’s some words from some of our Senior Staff!

Our boss babe and “Captain my Captain”  Sharita Knobloch says:

As cheesy as it might sound, Mission: Milspouse changed the trajectory of my milspouse life and attitude. I began volunteering with the organization in 2014 as a blogger, because honestly… my attitude as a spouse was not what you would call “optimistic.” But I began my mission to write with a positive spin (even in the hardships).


Now, nearly 10 years later, I can say that I’ve learned more about how to be an effective leader, the power of our milspouse tribe, the secret weapon of “embracing the suck” in a collective community, and the gift of volunteering than I could have ever imagined!


KP Palmer, “the Queen of words, blogs, and sass chimes in:


“One of the best ways to empower someone is to give them a canvas for their voice. That is what we do at mission Milspouse through our blog. We enable  spouses of all branches to share their experience, their spirits, and their resources to help others on this journey. As Content Director, I am honored to read, edit and publish those unique voices and share their stories with the Milspouse world. Write on spouses, write on!”


Interested in joining our team?


We’re always looking for new faces and brains! (In a non creepy zombie way) contact us at

Happy 1000 episode, mission Milspouse! You don’t look an episode over 800. 

Today in News 6 History: 


On August 28, 1963, MLK JR delivered his iconic “I have a dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC in front of more than 200,000 people.

King had a speech prepared, starting with a recitation of parts of the emancipation address. Toward the end of the speech, Mahalia Jackson, a gospel singer and friend, cried out for him to “tell them about the dream!”

He then began his “I have a dream” speech, almost completely improvised. 

The speech starts with:

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.


And ends with:


“When we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.

That’s it for me! I’m Emma Tighe with News 6 and following my predecessors for a combined 1,000th time, I’m signing out! 


  • Emma Tighe

    Emma Tighe is a lover of news, humor and writing, making her position of News 6 correspondent quite literally a dream come true. She hails from absolutely nowhere and everywhere, as she was an army brat. Emma has been an army spouse for 11 years and has five children, whom she homeschools. Somewhat successfully, depending on the week. In college, her choir director said she should’ve majored in comedy. Her theory professor told her she should’ve majored in writing. They must have been right, as she is still attempting to do both. Emma and her family have lived in five different bases (but 8 separate moves and yes this is important to her) and currently call Fort Leavenworth, KS home. Emma is an active volunteer, believing that information is power, and the best way to empower new or struggling spouses is to provide them with resources and tools to learn how to advocate for themselves and their families. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram under her page, Rolling Along.


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Buried interests

Buried interests

Most of us harbor interests, passions, and dreams that rarely see the light of day. They lie dormant within us, beneath piles of obligations and expectations.

Mission: Milspouse is a
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